What are some drinks men like?!

Question: To sip, but not get drunk off of quite as fast as doing shots?

Answers: To sip, but not get drunk off of quite as fast as doing shots?

Grand Marnier on da rocks is my personal favorite. Jack and coke, Crown Royal and coke, Vodka and cranberry juice. (Absolut and Grey Goose r 2 good vodkas). Hennesey and Red Bull is good(Crunk juice). Hennesey and Hypnotiq(Incredible Hulk) turns green when you mix it.



rum and coke, jack and coke, basically any type of dark liquor and coke.

crown royal


if i am going to get something just to sip on, i am going to get a double shot of jack on the rocks.

1. Whiskey/bourbon and cola. I personally like Jim Beam and coke.

2. Gin and tonic water. These aren't my favorites (had a bad experience once), but my buddies like them.

3. Jose Cuervo Black and cola. It's a bit new, but it's pretty good for sipping.

Hope this helps!

Beer! Anything with rum!

jack and cokes are great.
southern comfort and coke.

Since you said "to sip". I'm gonna mention some quality drinks. Jhonny Walker (Black label or Blue label), Chivas Regal, Crown Royal and my personal favorite Aberlour Abunad Single malt Scotch.

An extremely dry gin martini--meaning gin only, preferably good quality. Don't know where you live, but the Anchor Steam Brewing Company (who also make an excellent beer by that name) in San Francisco puts out a brand of gin called 'Junipero'. It's fantastic.

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