Beer or The Hardcore ****?!

Question: Would you reather have the BEER or the HARD CORE? Hard core meaning....Straight Vodka, Rum, Tequilla.....Mikes hard Lemonaid......That kind of stuff....Fuzzy Navels......martini's....

Answers: Would you reather have the BEER or the HARD CORE? Hard core meaning....Straight Vodka, Rum, Tequilla.....Mikes hard Lemonaid......That kind of stuff....Fuzzy Navels......martini's....

Hard core
dont like beer.

hardcore cuz I'M HARD.

Beer, anyday hands-down.

I usually chase Vodka or Rum with a beer

I don't really like the taste of beer so anything else is good for me. :) I need a good drink now.

i'd rather have tha hard core****you kno its a lot more tasteful and funner than drinking a boring *** beer

beer, because I can fine tune my drunkness

Mike Hard Lime - delicious. Equal to beer in alcohol content and if you put it with a bunch of ice, it lowers the alcohol even further so you don't get drunk. Safer.

Drink a 750ml bottle of Alesmith Speedway Stout and you'll quickly learn that beer is the hard core shi*t.

(Note, I am not affiliated with Alesmith brewery I just like the name)

Is this a trick question?!

Since when did Mike's Hard Lemonade, Fuzzy Navels, and Martini's become Hardcore?!

i like male cat piss on the face that make me hallucinate

Cold beer on a hot day, wine with a nice dinner out somewhere, vodka tonics with lime other times

erm beer because its cheaper although i did used to buy alot of hardcore stuff lol. but beer is better or cider because cider is cheap and strong

Beer on a relaxing day and liquor when I just need to forget about the day

beer until 4PM, then make the turn

Mike's Hard Lemonade is the same as beer. I am a 'hard core' drinker, since I drink Jameson's Irish Whiskey straight with a water back ... but I am NOT a 'heavy drinker' and am still working on a fifth of Jameson's I bought over two years ago. My husband and I both like a Fat Tire beer when the weather is really hot and it's after dinner and we are relaxing, but only about one bottle a month. I suggest you grow up and learn how to truly tell what is 'good drinking' and what is 'bad drinking' before you ask any more silly questions here. You must be around 13, if you think Mike's Hard Lemonade is 'hard core' ...

Hard to say, on the rare occassions I get out (I've got two kids) I like to have a few beers first and then hit the vodkas. I wouldn't really enjoy one without the other.

If I was pushed I'd have to say beer, because you can have a few bottles with friends at home on a sunny day, just to relax.

Depends whether the beer is home brew or not. Home brew beer has taste. Not that that's a good thing, myself and the local brewers that I know all lament the fact that most people wouldn't know a good tasting beer if it tied them down and poured itself down their throat! Commercial beers, particularly lagers, have for their prime objective the point of having no taste whatsoever! If any commercial brewery were to start making good tasting beer then the masses wouldn't buy it and they'd have no choice but to stop.

If you want to get drunk for as cheap as possible then you may as well buy either spirits, cheap cask wine or cheap beer. Enjoy it with your Big Mac and fries! But if you want to relish the taste of what you're drinking then try a good locally brewed beer or or at least a nice local wine.

hardcore but there's always times when beer is better for certain times cuz i don't want to get to hammered


Vodka will do just fine

there is possibly nothing LESS hardcore than mikes hard lemonade and fuzzy navels lol

I made an *** out of myself last time I drank the Hardcore in January, in front of most of my coworkers (god love them they still like me) so I haven't had any liquor since. Just beer and wine.

I'd have to agree with alesmith beer can be pretty Hardcore we got a local beer bar where you can get any of their varieties to go even if you get em as singles

So I took some of My shinies out of my treasury cause i was tired of getting 22oz hienekens to go at the bar here in town.

Picked up 3 / 16.9 oz bottles of Weihenstphaner Vitus drank them over the course of maybe 2 hrs and it felt like i had done a few shots.

Btw I'd have to say my pecking order is great beer, good beer, Than the hardstuff

I group my liqour the same way I won't touch an 8 dollar fifth why well because it tasts like an 8 dollar fifth

At the dregs of my barrel are your typical american beers Buttwaster, Miller, Yuengling lager, lord chesterfield and porter are still ok though

below even that i rank the Malt Beverage Experiences example schmirnoffs twisted teas that sort of crap.

And Naty Ice and all that other cRap that comes in a $10/30cube of cans can burn in hell

hardcore ofcourse

All of the above except with the girl drinks, too sweet.

anything harsh because im ****** metal i could probably drink a whole bottle to myself and still walk away


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