Should our society place more control on the availability of alcohol and niotine?!

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How much more 'in control' can they get? there is already age limits and people being ID'd.
What else is left to do...follow all kids home to make sure they aren't doing any of it?

No. Its our right as adults to make our own decisions. If alcohol makes an individual person dangerous behind the wheel or in any other sense, punish them.

FU** NO! why would they need to do that. they already make it 21 to buy alcohol, which i believe is longer than needed. cigarettes are bad but people choose what they want to do. i'm 23 and i still get id'd when i go to store for a friend for cigarettes. and def beer. i think it's fine

No, if you put too many restraints, you drive it underground, Keep it where it can be seen

No, I honestly think there should be less control. Adults need to make their own decisions about alcohol and tobacco, not let others make the choice for them. I personally believe the drinking age needs to be lowered to 18. There are few 18-year- olds who already drink, and will go out of their way and do dangerous things to obtain alcohol.

I am sure some people will say alcohol and nicotine should be banned because they could kill you, yet in the end, everyone dies. Every human being on this earth, clean or an alcoholic, will die eventually. Why not let people enjoy their lives instead of limit them.

I think prohibition already answered that question.

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