What's so great about drinking alcohol? Does it at least taste good?!

Question: I'm in college, a lot of my friends drink but I don't and they say i'm no fun. What's so fun about drinking alcohol and becoming intoxicated. Maybe I've seen too many car crashes in reality shows caused by alcohol and i'm afraid to drink. I've seen drunk people here on campus acting like fools

Answers: I'm in college, a lot of my friends drink but I don't and they say i'm no fun. What's so fun about drinking alcohol and becoming intoxicated. Maybe I've seen too many car crashes in reality shows caused by alcohol and i'm afraid to drink. I've seen drunk people here on campus acting like fools

You have more wisdom than you know.

Get the degree. Let the taste of a fine Cognac after dinner come later.

You won't regret the abstinence. Rock on and study...

one of those people you seen acting fool on campus, i was most likely one of them

well for starters dont drink and drive. imbibing alcohol and getting drunk can be fun and a great way to loosen up a bit and the taste does get better with age (of the grog and of yourself) there is a foolish aspect which you tend not to notice in yourself and others while drinking but a fantastic guilt ridden hangover teaches us all to never to do it again until the next time we do it again. And people remember there is a thing called moderation i've pesonally never heard of it but it can be done

i see nothin what so ever good about it
1. it drives you mad
2. its bad for your Brain
3. it affects cycologcly etc

depends what they are drinking.. i did my first year alot, about every other day mainly hard, no beer. what a waste

honestly be a responsible weed smoker and itll enhance your life and is better for you / safer

Ok Well I can see part of your problem. You see you do not have to get drunk or completely waisted when you drink. You can be just as fun with only one. The alcohol just loosens you up a bit. I have never gotten drunk when I drink. But I always have more fun at parties and things when I have had just a little. I mean I don't even think that I have even ever had enough to show up on a tox. screening. But I always have fun after drinking some. Who knows maybe it is just the influence of it in my head....As far as taste goes though. There are somethings that taste good and other things that don't you just have to experiment.

No, there's nothing fun about drinking, and no, it doesn't even taste good. I don't understand why people do it.

Yeah if you get drunk you will act like a fool. Some alcohol tastes better then others. Like a Jaegerbomb with rockstar fruit punch is way better than a vodka cranberry.

But maybe you should make some new friends who also don't drink.

If you don't want to drink don't do it. Good for you. some tastes ok some taste lousy, it all tastes fermented. Drunks are a pain in the neck to be around if your sober. If you overdo it makes you sick as a dog, and makes you smell nasty.
If you decide you wanna have a cocktail don't ever get in the car with anyone or drink and drive.
It can be fun and in moderation gives a nice little buzz. You don't have to let yourself become a drunken fool.

Let's see now... the stuff tastes like crap, it makes you do stupid things so that OTHER PEOPLE can enjoy laughing at your sorry butt, and if you are really lucky you can get a DUI which averages about $10,000 by the time you get done with it. That sure makes it look like a sensible thing to do doesn't it?
You are on the right track and if you haven't learned to ignore peer pressure by the time you get to college, you are headed for more trouble in the future.

well just try 1 beer. i am underaged right? i have had a sip of my dad's beer... IT WAS NASTY!!! i don't get what is so great about it either, i am sticking to sprite 4 a while. lol

i drink because it really takes the edge off. to truly enjoy myself in a big social setting like a club or bar, means to not care at all. when i'm sober my mind goes miles a minute, having a red bull vodka or 4 lets me relax. it never really tasted good, just knowing that it will get me to where i need to be is enough. it's sad i know, but if you can have fun and really enjoy yourself in a setting where everyone's drinkin but u and the other d.d.'s, than alot of respect to you. i'll keep my crutch. thank u sir, can i have another.

People like to let loose and act obnoxious. It's funny, and with friends it's the more the merrier. And I, personally, hate the taste of most all alcoholic beverages. I drink for the singular glorious reason to get drunk. You don't have to drink that much. You don't have to drink at all, but be prepared to be mercilessly berated by everyone who does and wants you to act foolish with them. There are mixed drinks that taste wonderful, but have very little alcohol. Sounds like that's right up your alley.

Alcohol is a recreational drug. Its very harmful if taken in large amounts, constantly over a long time, and it inhibits awareness and slows your motor skills. But if taken in small amounts socially and occasionally, it usually mellows people out and relaxes. Don't try it if you think you might crash a car or act like a fool. It doesn't taste good if you drink it pure, but some mixed drinks are actually very flavorful and deceptively refreshing. Remember that if you're under 21 its illegal, so don't drink if you're under 21.

thats because you don't know how great it feels. i was like you at one point till my friends took me to a party. i got ****** up and laid on that night. it was great

some people don't need alcohol to have fun and hey, that's ok. the taste can be disgusting but then again, it depends what you are drinking? alot of the beverages taste different. some people drink for the taste and others just enjoy the feeling. It helps me loosen up and acts as a stress reliever some days. other times i just do it for fun. it depends.

there is nothing so great about alcohol. you are on the right path, but dont stay on it b/c of fear. stay on it b/c of conviction.

The problem is your friends are drinking it for the wrong reasons, which just to get drunk. Alcohol when consumed for taste not quantity can be a good thing.

Good quality ales and lagers can be enjoyed by having 1 or 2 and have a great taste.

Also, there are great mixed drinks that are good and by having just a 1 or 2 you won't overdo it. Mixed drinks like jack&coke, captain and coke, gin and tonic, long island ice tea, are good to have at a party. Drinking one or two is the key. Over a longer period of time one an hour is ok. You won't get anywhere close to drunk. You'll loosen up a bit and so will your friends.

Please don't drink it because your friends say you're no fun. That's just another version of peer pressure. If you're not ready to drink it, don't. You'll be a better person for it. College is a time for exploration, but it's also a place we go to better ourselves.

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