Calories in Beer?!

Question: can anyone tell me how many calories are in beer for example corona. i know it sounds weird but i need to know.

Answers: can anyone tell me how many calories are in beer for example corona. i know it sounds weird but i need to know.

screw that,just drink


Depends on the beer.
Light beer typically has between 65 and 125 calories per 12 oz. .
Regular beer typically has between 125 and 200 calories per 12 oz.

if your worried about calories drink light beer. theres no fat only about 90 cals.if you want to lose weight drink less.

It depends on the beer. It's somewhere like 300 calories per 12 oz of beer. The heavier the beer (think Guiness) the more calories.

Corona Light - 109
Corona Extra - 148

Check out this website ...

Corona Extra has 148 calories, Corona Light has 105 calories.

It's really not worth it unless you like the taste...if you're looking for a drink that will make you buzzed and leave your waistline alone, go for hard liquor and a diet mixer.

Sad but true, since I am a beer lover myself :(

i not sure it don say on the bottle

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