How do you make the Incredible Hulk Drink?!

Question: I was just wondering how much hypnotic and Hennessey do you use to make a glass?

Answers: I was just wondering how much hypnotic and Hennessey do you use to make a glass?

Ah. The Incredible Hulk. That is a favorite of mine.

Here is a nice easy recipe to follow:

It also has an instructional video.

Hope this helps!

1/4 hypnotiq 3/4 hennessey

Um fill sprite in the cup then food coloring green..?

you need to use 3 tbsps of each

sippy cup

We usually make it equal parts, but I've seen some people do 2 parts hypnotic to 1 part henn...depends how strong you want to make it.

Here you go.

We do it a bit diff in H-Town though...

Mix 1/2 oz of the Cognac and another 1/2 oz of hypnotic.

This is for 6 people

3 oz Hennessy cognac
3 oz Hpnotiq liqueur

1 ounce hypnotic and 1/4 ounce Hennsessey


i usually go half and half

i normally put half and half but really..its up to you. you can switch the taste up by adding more of one or the other. regardless, its green and some good stuff!

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