How many bottles of coors light or other light beers does it take to get you drunk?!

Question: I'm a light weight and not fond of beer so probably one would get me buzzed. I'm 5'11" and weigh 120 pounds so combine that with the fact I don't drink much, yeah...very little gets me drunk and then I'm ill shortly afterward. And yes, beer makes you pee a lot. There is actually a joke about that "Why does beer go through your system so fast?...Because it doesn't have to take the time to change color" Snicker har har. Thanks for asking!!

Answers: I'm a light weight and not fond of beer so probably one would get me buzzed. I'm 5'11" and weigh 120 pounds so combine that with the fact I don't drink much, yeah...very little gets me drunk and then I'm ill shortly afterward. And yes, beer makes you pee a lot. There is actually a joke about that "Why does beer go through your system so fast?...Because it doesn't have to take the time to change color" Snicker har har. Thanks for asking!!


Edit: 6'5" 210 lbs. and I'm referring to just drinking beer, no eating with it, a pace of about 3 beers/hour and by "drunk" I'm saying "Shouldn't drive home." not "can't walk or talk".


Depends on if you have eaten, your weight and how often you drink. For me about 10.

Depends entirely on your bodyweight, amount of food in your stomach and your tolerance to alcohol.

same as regular beer

Same as regular beer. It's only the calorie count that changes between regular and light beer. Body weight, food, stress, fatigue are all contributing factors.

6-8 make me feel pretty good and then i keep going and i get a 12 pack or more in me i'm pretty drunk

i'm 23 years old 5'10 175lbs

Does not depend on your weight. I'm 5'5 115 lbs and I can drink just as much as my 6'1' 200 lb man.

And I don't know what that one person was talking about, light beers generally have lower alcohol content so it takes you longer to get drunk....and I don't feel as pukey when I get drunk off beer as I do liquor.

Anyway, I can drink 7 or 8 before I start feeling sick.

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