How many shots will give you alcohol posioning?!


How many shots will give you alcohol posioning?

It varies from person to person beacuse every one has different weights and heights etc, but i'm sure you could find an average for your size on a drink aware website.

Why don't you just try it out? Every person is different. For me it takes more than 1 bottle tequila!!

most likey alot. What about Jello shots?

Maybe it will take about 45% and then it will increase

depends on if you are a drinker or a novice . If you have to ask I would say after 3 shots you are in trouble if driving plus you lose the ability to think straight and that turns you into a fool and makes you brave enough to hit a few more,and by that time you is smashed but havent gotten the full effect so you tend to ingest more and more at once and then turn up the whole bottle and get up to go piss and BAM yer head hits the corner of the concrete wall by the john. and you dont die yet. while you are on the way to hospital you choke on yer own puke and drown yerself in yer own snot.all the while yer liver shuts down and alcohol slowly begins to eat yer innards out because you now have no protection and you go into a coma.I would say 3 or 4 will do it if you are as stupid as I think you might be for asking this question.... their is an old saying "one is too many and a thousand is not enough"

Cell membranes are highly permeable to alcohol, so once alcohol is in the bloodstream it can diffuse into nearly every biological tissue of the body. After excessive drinking, unconsciousness can occur and extreme levels of consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning and death (a concentration in the blood stream of 0.55% will kill half of those affected). Many different factors affect the level of intoxication of an individual, so it's difficult to gauge exactly how much is too much. Gender, weight, food intake, etc. will affect the absorption rate, and therefore the blood alcohol concentration. In general, the body can process a 12 oz. beer, 4 oz glass of wine or 1.5 oz shot of 80 proof alcohol per hour. It would take about 20 shots in an hour to get to a BAC of 0.55%, but you would very likely be unconscious prior to that.

3 shots of tequila can cause you to pass out
Exceeding six shots of any hard alcoholic drink in one night can kill you.

I drank a 5th of tequila one time and I woke up feeling fine, no headache or any other symptoms of hangover. My boss said he could smell it on me the next day at work and I work in a hospital so that wasn't good!

it varies with the person.. the more you drink over time the more you can drink.. i two people one male and one female... they are in their mid 40s and have been drinking since they were teenager.. and since about their early 20s drinking it straight.. around a fifth a nite.. now here the down side .. both of them have liver trouble.. bleeding uclers.. and cancer of the panceras.. dont do shots very often as you can get accusme to them .. i am 43 and a drinker and i mix my liguor and dont seem to have any of those promblem.. but sometimes it effects me in other way.. having the runs if i drink to much and feeling sluggish the next i say a shot or two may not hurt you once in a while at t a party.. but dont over do it

Depends on your weight and tolerence.

They say that 21 shots of 80 proof will kill a male of "average" weight. I'm guessing that's in an hour time.


If drinking 6 shots in one night will kill me, then half the bottle of jager I drank saturday would have done me over - a girl that's 5'2".

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