If drinking and driving is illegal then why do bars have parking lots ?!

Question: I dont have some witty answer for this question, I just thought it was really funny. Like why do you drive on a parkway and park in a driveway.

Great Question!!!

Answers: I dont have some witty answer for this question, I just thought it was really funny. Like why do you drive on a parkway and park in a driveway.

Great Question!!!

1. People have to be able to park their car, instead of walking 5 miles.

2. Bars expect that people should be mature enough to know their limit and that they'll drive safely.

because we are adults and should know are limits or have a designated driver.

I walk to the bar by the way. One of the benefits of living in a small town.

So the cops have a place to park while they wait for the drunks to come out of the bar and drive away...

So the designated driver has somewhere to park

so you can get nabbed

Where else are you gonna bang that bar skank at 2:15 in the morning, your wife and kids are at home and rooms are Wayy too expensive these days. 69 bucks for a drunk quickie??

Just to clarify, it's not illegal to drink and then drive. It's illegal to drink over the limit and drive. One or two drinks is not illegal. Otherwise, you could ask the same of restaurants where they serve alcohol, or sporting events.

The employees need somewhere to park.

The legal wording is you cannot have a blood alcohol content above the legal limit and drive. You can park at a bar and not drink or you can only have one and still be legally sober.


Not everyone that will go to a bar will drink. Plenty of people have a DD, with them. Plenty will call a cab, not all drunk drivers have been to a bar, you don't have to be at a bar to get drunk.

What does drinking and driving have to do with a parking lot?

designated drivers. and they hope that people know how to control there drinking

drinking and driving in itself is not illegal. they have limits they enforce

I've always wondered about that myself. One drink can impair reflexes. It's sad how many people deny that. I actually had a friend that used to say she drove better after drinking...that is until a grandfather killed his 2 beautiful grandchildren by driving them home when he was drunk. They died in the street right around the corner from where my friend and I lived. She stopped drinking and driving after that.

Unfortunately some never learn, like the man who killed one of my friends our senior year in high school. That fool had been caught driving drunk a million times and only got 7 years for killing my friend.

All these people thought they knew their limits.

haha...funny girl...where'd you come up that original one? oh that's right you didn't...lame brain...a thousand comedians out of work and this is your schpeil? this is how the dumb blonde jokes get started...out

so people can drive there, get absolutely scuttered and have a taxi organised beofre they got locked!

wow what a great question, but its to deep for me. its kind of like when a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around does it make a sound.

who says u have to get so drunk so that u cant drive 1 or 2 drinks is fine

There is no law stating you cannot drink and then drive as long as your blood alcohol level isn't .08 or higher or what ever the legal limit is in your state. Also there are people who are the designated driver for the night and they need a place to park. Oh and the people who work there need to park there cars lol.

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