Tell me everyting you know about Jagermeister?!

Question: Like what proof it is,
how much it takes for you to get a good thing going,
and how does it taste?

And what about the Jager Bomb?

Answers: Like what proof it is,
how much it takes for you to get a good thing going,
and how does it taste?

And what about the Jager Bomb?

For starters, it doesnt translate to "deer hunter" it translates literally to "master hunter".

The alcohol is 35% (70 proof for the Yanks) and is a German herbal liqueur flavoured with 55 secret herbs and spices.

The story behind the bottle is that Saint Hubertus was out hunting one day and saw a deer which had a Christian corss appear above his head. This was apparently gods way of saying that the hunter needs to protect his prey and hunt like a good sportsman.

From this day Saint hubertus went to spread the word across the land including with this drink. Have a look at the label and you will see the picture of the deer with the cross. The next thing you will notice is the poem in German around the bottle which reads:

Das ist des J?gers Ehrenschild,
da? er beschützt und hegt sein Wild,
weidm?nnisch jagt, wie sich's geh?rt,
den Sch?pfer im Gesch?pfe ehrt.

This translates to:

This is the hunter's badge of honour,
that he protect and nourish his game,
hunt sportingly, as is proper,
and honour the Creator in the creature.

JagerBombs are when you put red bull or another energy drink in a glass then put a shot of jager (shot glass and all) into the energy drink and drink it down.

I believe its either 70 or 80 proof.
It takes a few shots for me to get anything out of it.
Tastes like black liquorice (sp?)

Jager bombs are not good for you, although they are good.

Jagermeister is german for "Deer Hunter"

Edit: Jagerbombs are not good for you because alcohol is a depressant and redbull or whatever drink you use, is an upper (speed). These conflict with each other, first because alcohol constricts (thins it out) the blood, and the energy drink speeds it up. So this can cause a higher rate of heart attack symptoms than just regularly drinking the acoholic drink.

Off the top of the head..... I think its 80proof, 40 percent. It tastes like black liquorice, Its as strong as most other liquors, so it depends on your tolerance how much youll need to drink.

It is really smooth cold, not so much warm, so make sure its cold and shots go down amazing. The jagerbomb is when you take a little glass of redbull, and a shotglass of jager, and then drop the shotglass of jager into the glass of redbull and chug fast. Just like a carbomb or any of those kind of drinks.

A++ to all... but Jagger is 70 proof, which is 35% aalcohol by volume. Best to keep it in the freezer, it will not freeze and is damned tasty cold. I don't get the black licorice thing, I find it similar to NyQuil.

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