What is that alcohol called.. its in a green bottle?!

Question: its no heinakin.. or however you spell it.
i know u take shots of it. and it comes in a green bottle
its also a cool name to rponounce.

Answers: its no heinakin.. or however you spell it.
i know u take shots of it. and it comes in a green bottle
its also a cool name to rponounce.


Pronounced Yay-ger-mice-ter



probably jagermeister

maybe fernet.

its probably jaggermesiter
everyone loves that drink
its in a green bottle
and had like a deer or something like that
on the front

probably you mean absinth?
it is in a green bottle and the liquid is also green.
though it's not safe to drink it because they say it makes you hallucinate.

That would be Jagermeister my friend. Try mixing it with a bit of redbull, and take shots, very good. Hope you have fun!!

If its in a squarer bottle with a symbol of a deer on it its Jagermiester.

If its in a longer taller round bottle its abysinthe, which when sold comercially in bars isnt the proper stuff anyway. You need to got to parts of europe to get that ;)

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