Did you ever get drunk before and if so, what did it do to you and how did it make you feel?!

Question: did you eat tacos when you had a hangover?

Answers: did you eat tacos when you had a hangover?

I've never been drunk but I did something really stupid once. I sipped some water and held it in my mouth, then I started to shake my head around to make myself dizzy. When I finally stopped stumbling I felt like throwing up. I'm guessing that's what it feels like to be drunk? Yeah I was pretty bored. Lol.

Yes, i tend to eat when i am drunk, but not toilet bowl drunk. I also love to write checks and pay bills when i am a bit drunk.

being drunk is kool

it made me feel like ****!

I've been drunk many times...I sang guns and roses sweet child of mine at karaoke. I felt great because I had the screaming down pat like axel rose. I didn't feel too good in the morning or after watching the horrifying video of me singing and looking like a fool.

I'm assuming you've never gotten drunk, and are curious :)
When I get drunk everything starts spinning at first.
That's how you know you're getting there.
Then everything starts getting funny, like, I laugh at everything.
Then your coordination goes, and your temper gets quicker.
You loose you inhibitions.

Amazing experience.

Yes I have been drunk before and I felt horrible! I was sick both times before I even went to bed. All I had to do was lie my head down and the room begun spinning. Drinking is bad for me apparently. I however don't get hangovers the next morning. I get sick the night of the drinking instead.
I don't recommend drinking at all, but if you find yourself with a hangover get up the next morning, drink lots and lots of water to re-hydrate your body from all the drinking, eat some toast and take some Excedrin or Aspirin, or Tylenol and refrain from doing it again.
The headaches that are common with hangovers according to the Mythbusters, are caused by dehydration. Water will help you recover quickly and the pain meds will help you feel better immediately.


After a long night of drunken bliss nothing in the world is better than tacos.

ofc lol

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