
Question: Is that possible, being alcoholic when drinking nothing but beer?

Answers: Is that possible, being alcoholic when drinking nothing but beer?

Yes, but drinking a few beers isn't like a few glasses of whiskey. Make sure your not confusing enjoying a cold one with alcoholism

of course! you can be an alcoholic and drink nothing but wine...if you have to have the matter what drink its in...then you are an alcoholic

Yes it is. I have a friend he is an alcholic. All he drinks in Canadian Molson or something like that. Alllll the time everyday from when he first wakes up he'ss have a beer.

of course!!!!!!!!

uh, DUH, beer is Alcohol!! u know you stilll are ruining your health, just letting you consider tat, cuz if u keep on drinking u'll become an alcoholic, and be screwed

WOW, I don't even understand why i took the time to write this.

Yes. One can of beer contains the same amount of alcohol as one mixed drink.

I had a friend whose husband died from drinking (long term, not acute alcohol poisoning) and he was only in his mid 30s. He never drank anything but beer. Was he an alcoholic? Probably.


Is there alcohol in beer?


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