Why do you get drunk faster when drinking out of a straw?!

Question: It is because you don't get air as well or what?

Answers: It is because you don't get air as well or what?

Drinking through a straw does not make you drunk faster, if you drank the same amount of alcohol sipping as you did through a straw it would make no difference. If you sip a drink no air can get in your mouth, if you have a straw no air can get in your mouth also, it doesnt make any difference.

However factors that make it appear this way are..

1)when drinking mixers/cocktails etc the alcohol is more dense at te bottom of the glass where the straw is, so by accessing that first you are consuming more alcohol as opposed to sipping the top of the glass. It appears its the method of the straw but is just because you are consuming more alcohol.

2)straws make drinking easier, so if you are finding drinking more comfy with a straw you will drink faster and thus, drink more.

There you go :)

you dont

it might be b/c alcohals density may be heavier so its more alcohalic at the bottom so ur getting more booze.

Really?? Well. I should try drinking without any straw..

Well its depends

Because you suck harder--- so your stomach just deals with a little at a time... And, your MIND, (where the alcohol GOES) is being 'played with'... between YOU telling it that it's only getting a 'strawful at a time'--- and what the alcohol is REALLY DOING to your mind!!!

That's why IDIOTS can't tell when they should NOT be operating motor vehicles... Their MIND doesn't TELL them....

drinkin out of a straw is like drinkin out of a hole made in a can at the side or something.. have u ever done snake bit.. u get drunk so fast because when ur taking a sip through the straw there is only alcohol coming up through the straw and no air.. goes straight to ur head

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