How soon after getting lap band surgery can i drink?!

Question: I was wondering how soon after my surgery could i have a mixed drink? yes i know its empty calories, i should stay away, but i would still like to know how soon after i can drink without harming anything???

Answers: I was wondering how soon after my surgery could i have a mixed drink? yes i know its empty calories, i should stay away, but i would still like to know how soon after i can drink without harming anything???

I think you should ask your doctor. He/she would be the most knowledgeable.

until you feel like you can drink.

Your body will tell you. But if you're getting a lap band, avoid the empty calories. I like a cocktail as much as anyone, but it's not worth it at this point. Save it for your celebration dinner.

u should ask ur doctor

if you want to lose weight so badly that you're willing to have surgery, then you really shouldn't drink booze at all.
ask your doctor
maybe try getting off that barstool and exercising now and then.

Not before you are out of the operating room.

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