Legal drinking age in Cabo or Cancun?!

Question: How old do you have to be to drink in Mexico, or does it vary? I'm going to either Cabo or Cancun with my friend for my graduation present and I would like to drink there. I won't have a parent with me either, so if it's a certain age with a parent, I'm screwed. I'm 17.

Answers: How old do you have to be to drink in Mexico, or does it vary? I'm going to either Cabo or Cancun with my friend for my graduation present and I would like to drink there. I won't have a parent with me either, so if it's a certain age with a parent, I'm screwed. I'm 17.

You wont have a problem drinking. I have been to Mexico (mostly TJ) several times. They usually dont even card you. Just BE CAREFUL!!! I cant stress that enough. WATCH YOUR DRINK VERY CAREFULLY. Also, make sure you know how much money you give them, they WILL rip you off when they can. NEVER go anywhere alone (not even the bathroom). And if you have to go to the ladies room and leave your drink, dont come back and drink it. ORDER A NEW ONE. I have more tips. email me if you would like more of my help.

But again to answer your question, you will be fine. You can still drink. Please dont get drunk in a forgein country if you are alone or only with another gf. :)

18, but they really don't care in my great Mexico

its 18..but it never matters

could be 16, could be 18.
regardless, nobody in mexico cares. its nothing like the US.
nowhere else in the world is like the US when it comes to drinking. as long as youre not crawling on your hands and knees like a little baby, you can get in. if youve never drank before, be VERY careful. its mexico, theyre sketchy as f***. be careful.
but dont worry about not being able to drink.

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