Choices for what wine to make?!

Question: i'm buying a wine making kit and i need to know what kind of wine to buy with it so i can make. prefferably a red wine but i'll take any ideas. and i don't know if some are easier to make than others too. thanks

Answers: i'm buying a wine making kit and i need to know what kind of wine to buy with it so i can make. prefferably a red wine but i'll take any ideas. and i don't know if some are easier to make than others too. thanks

Buy a kit-wine. My local supplier calls them "fun wines". They only take about 4 weeks to completion and can be had in lots of flavors like green-apple-reisling, citrus ice wine, chocolate raspberry, or more traditional wines. They can be a good introduction to fermentation as you learn more about how to make proper wine because they will be much more forgiving of your lack of experience than a $125 package of Cabernet must, not to mention cheaper at ~$45

I would start with merlot. Make sure you take the time to let it properly age, too; a friend of mine made viognier (white wine) and opened them about a week before she was supposed was awful.

Also, don't be freaked out by yeasty residue in the bottom of the bottles. Good luck!

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