What in your opinion ,IS the best Lager/Beer/Bier in the world?!

Question: Heya matey!
So... how come you ask only abt lagers? that can't be right. So i will list my favvies all in all... savvy?

Corona (MX)
Modelo Especial - Mx
Leon - Mx
Montejo - Mx
Pacifico - Mx
Sol Brava - Mx
Quilmes (From Argentina)

Amongst the awesome Spatens, pielsners and stouts are:

The ALMIGHTY Guiness
Beer Factory Luna Llena (Mx - mixed with coffee beans)
Bohemia - The best mexican for me
Nochebuena - also mexican and made on Christmas time
Fin Du Monde - Canadian
Diabolique - Also canadian and hits you to the bone
Coronel - MExican also, good one

Well those seem to be all i can remember atm, hope you list them up and try them, which is the best.

CHEERS and bottoms up

Answers: Heya matey!
So... how come you ask only abt lagers? that can't be right. So i will list my favvies all in all... savvy?

Corona (MX)
Modelo Especial - Mx
Leon - Mx
Montejo - Mx
Pacifico - Mx
Sol Brava - Mx
Quilmes (From Argentina)

Amongst the awesome Spatens, pielsners and stouts are:

The ALMIGHTY Guiness
Beer Factory Luna Llena (Mx - mixed with coffee beans)
Bohemia - The best mexican for me
Nochebuena - also mexican and made on Christmas time
Fin Du Monde - Canadian
Diabolique - Also canadian and hits you to the bone
Coronel - MExican also, good one

Well those seem to be all i can remember atm, hope you list them up and try them, which is the best.

CHEERS and bottoms up

Molson Canadian it quite tasty

Grolsch followed by Stella.

At the moment I would say Carling

I'm not much of a Lager/Beer drink. When I do drink it has to be Samuel Adams.

Theakston's Old Peculiar, but only when in good condition and properly served - so many pubs get in wrong, and one I was in recently even, shudder, chilled it!

Tennents, but i'm Scottish so i would say that. (Or maybe Stella Artois or Guinness depends on my mood)

stella bud or my favourite - red stripe :)

Its carling tonight darling. )

RED HORSE beer.....

My personnel favorite is Olfabrikken Porter. But that's usually pretty hard to find. Other favorites are Victory Storm King Stout, Rochefort 10, Anchor Porter, Southern Tier Oat, and Dogfish Head 90 Minute IIPA


I'm big on Stella, followed by Corona and Heineken.

Modesty prohibits my answering.

-- Homebrewer

guinness is best..but it must be cold

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