Is it bad if you are in college and you have no desire to drink?!

Question: People sometimes give me a hard time about it and I just really don't want to drink. They act like I am to scared to and they don't believe me when I tell them I just don't want to.

Answers: People sometimes give me a hard time about it and I just really don't want to drink. They act like I am to scared to and they don't believe me when I tell them I just don't want to.

Not drinking is definitely a personal choice. I chose not to drink until I was older. Just because everyone else around you seems to be doing it, doesn't make it right. Nor does it make it right for them to try and MAKE you drink.

Bully for you, for not wanting to drink right now. You're young. You have a whole life time of experience ahead of you. Facing it sober is very smart on your part.

If they keep giving you a hard time, tell them to jump in the lake. It's your body, your life and your decision. You live your life the way you want to.

no thats not bad at all, ur being responsable. and even with mabey just a sip of alcohol ur friends arnt. alcohol gets rid of brain cells faster, ur probly gonna be the smartest one of ur group! : )

i think everyone has their opinion on this but it's your life and you want to stay healthy so good for you

No it's not bad. You could fake it when I was in college there were several people that did that. Get yourself a glass and have something in it. Or try substituting a non-alcoholic drink because people will ask what you are drinking. You could be sly and take a beer and then walk away and pour something else in the glass or bottle.

You are indeed unusual...but that is not a BAD thing at all. I would say you are quite smart for wanting to stay in control. If you just don't want to for ANY reason or no reason, that is your business. Just watch out for the "stoops" who would experiment on you with alcohol which can be made to be undetectable in some drinks or for mickey's with a surprise drug. This happened to my cousin who experienced a bad trip and never got over it. His friends believed he was just too up tight and needed to let his hair down.

I tell you this not to scare you, but warn you that some people are not so smart as you are and never will be...are jealous and will try to make you suffer for it.

hey man your choice is who u choose to be, yeah dig, But honestly its all good, the point is do u find yourself having fun on the weekends? Becuase if you arent then you might want to enjoy a couple cold brewskis and let loose and have some fun.

it's not ur thing dont feel bad

Yay, good for you! I was the same as you in college- simply didn't feel like drinking. (Although I'm now a fan of good beer and wine.) Fortunately people didn't give me a hard time though--I think what helps is being nonchalant about it and not defensive when they ask why not. Another big bonus for you: much of the Freshman 15 is from alcohol calories, so you'll avoid a big fat beer gut. :)

It's not bad, if you don't do what the majority does, they think your scared, weird, or stuck up, but to not drink esp. while u r in school making one of the 1st steps to starting your career. I say that you r smart, very smart and strong minded.

No, there's nothing wrong with it. I don't share your inclination, but hey, lots of people don't find drinking fun. If people are giving you a hard time about it, ignore them. There's plenty of other ways to have fun, especially in college.

don't be skeeered

If you were diabetic you wouldn't drink (unless you had a death wish), and anyone questioning your decision to not drink is a moron, for that reason alone. Ignore them.

Nope, it just means you may not like drinking as much as the average college student at least seems to. If it's not your thing, it just isn't your thing. Maybe you have other interests instead?
I didn't really, either. . . I wouldn't mind maybe the occasional 1-2 drinks with friends after I was 21 every once in a while, but drinking with the intent of getting drunk just didn't (and still doesn't) sound like any fun to me.

nope really good have you ever seen drunk people
(like myself)
its like a circus of monkeys

find some new friends.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you can have a good time without drinking, there's nothing wrong with that. Besides, you get to watch the drunks act like idiots and not be one yourself. I can't remember which comedian talked about being the designated driver for his wasted friends, having them chip in for gas money, and then pulling into the gas station to "fill up" about a dozen times on the way home.

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