I thought alcohol doesnt freeze???!

Question: i woke up this morning to find that all of my beers were frozen in the freezer. I thought that alcohol doesnt freeze. is it only hard alcohol that doesnt freeze? my freezer is at the default temp.

Answers: i woke up this morning to find that all of my beers were frozen in the freezer. I thought that alcohol doesnt freeze. is it only hard alcohol that doesnt freeze? my freezer is at the default temp.

It's just the alcohol that doesn't freeze. If you buy beer, or a bottle of liquor, it says on the packaging how much alcohol is in the liquid (a percentage). Since beer is typically only 5 to 8 percent alcohol, the other remaining fluids in the beer freeze. The higher the alcohol content, the less likely it is to freeze. And yes, it will explode and it's not pretty when it happens!

beer freezes probably because it's mostly water. Hard doesn't freeze. be careful cause carbonated things can explode when frozen!

i think its spirits that dont freeze, i keep my vodka in the freezer

beer does freeze whi knows why

Beer has water in it, you should never put it in the freezer. Liquor doesn't freeze because of the high alcohol content (anywhere from 20%-100%). Beer is about 5% depending on brand.

beer will freeze hard liquor wont like vodka

Everything can freeze pretty much. It is not that alcohol can't freeze, a conventional freezer doesn't reach those temperatures.

The freezing point of ethanol (the alcohol you're talking about) is -114 degrees Celsius.

Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.


All alcohol can freeze...

Beer is mostly water, not alcohol, so yes of course it freezes in the freezer. Just stick em in the fridge and hope that they still taste all right.

Vodka and Everclear and other alcohols over 60% won't freeze in a normal freezer at anybody's house...so no worries there (needs to be below -100 degrees Celius...that's cold!). I keep all my rum and vodka in the freezer...nice and chilled.

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