Do light beers and regular beer have different alcohol content?!

Question: does regular beer get you drunk faster than light beers?

Answers: does regular beer get you drunk faster than light beers?

oh yes. light beer is lighter on the calories but has less alchohol than regular. if you plan on getting drunk stick with regular. then there are the ice beers.....they even have more alcohol than regular. milwaukees best ice has a ton of alcohol, is cheap, and only slightly few more calories than a regular beer. two of those and im drunk! 2 milwalkee best ice is like 3 regular beers and 4 light beers. if you want light beer then all you have to do is pour water in your regular beer.....then you have homemade light. hope this helps. and if not i dont care cause im drunk.

reg beer more is on the label.............

Every beer has a different alcohol content. Some styles have almost no alcohol, some are around 25%. Also there really isn't such a thing as a "regular" beer.

Yes, it has different alcohol content.

They have less alcohol than the regular version of that particular beer. But beer comes in such a variety of alcohol contents that some light beers are going to be stronger that beers not labeled light.

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