Can any body list the effects of an alcoholic father???!

Question: i am working on this project and i need to know your point of view on this matter.
please no BAD words...

Answers: i am working on this project and i need to know your point of view on this matter.
please no BAD words...

I had an alcoholic father. My father drank all the time, he would like remove himself from the rest of the family. He said cruel and mean things. He was not a happy person unless he was drinking then he was enjoying himself. He would be physically and mentally abusive, he made me feel as though it was my fault and my brothers and sisters faults too. He blamed all kinds of things on us. I chose to find help for myself and looked into aa, alanon and I got myself out of that situation. It is not a fun family to have a parent that is that. So I hope this helps.

A scarred Psyche for the child, a hatred for Alcohol, aggression towards men?

idk, these are educated guesses.

Poster above pretty much summed it up lol

I agree with all said above, the only thing I would add is that alcholism can be genetical, and can also be learnt, so children often perceive it as acceptable behaviour, and will often start abusing alcohol and behaving in the same way as their fathers.

Hope that helps..

Well, if your father is an alcoholic--the type who drinks every day--then at any given time he is either (i) drunk (ii) getting drunk (iii) feeling like getting drunk (iv) hungover or (v) asleep.

As a result, you really don't have much of a father. It's called "emotional abandonment" and it can lead to all sorts of disturbances in a child, such as not feeling lovable, low self-esteem, that sort of thing. And it can also lead to feeling that it's your fault that your dad is an alcoholic--lots of children of alcoholics think that their parent wouldn't drink so much if they were a better kid. Sometimes the alcoholic parents actually tell them that.

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