Where can I get 100% Alcohol for drinking?!

Question: All the 100% 'rubbing' alcohol I find in shops (only DIY stores) is actually 99% alcohol, with added poison/smell/taste (making up the 1%) to prevent people from drinking it.

What I'm wondering is where can I get the 100% alcohol they use - the stuff they use right before they add the extra junk.

Also, has anyone ever tasted the 100% alcohol? Whats it like?

Answers: All the 100% 'rubbing' alcohol I find in shops (only DIY stores) is actually 99% alcohol, with added poison/smell/taste (making up the 1%) to prevent people from drinking it.

What I'm wondering is where can I get the 100% alcohol they use - the stuff they use right before they add the extra junk.

Also, has anyone ever tasted the 100% alcohol? Whats it like?

Rubbing alcohol is just ethyl alcohol and water. To be *legally* called rubbing alcohol (in the US - it's federal law, not chemistry) it has to be denatured (rendered poisonous).

The strongest alcohol you'd be able to drink would be about 97%, unless you lived in the bottle. Alcohol absorbs water (it's hydroscopic) - the stronger the alcohol, the more water it absorbs and the faster it absorbs it - so the moment you open a bottle of 100% alcohol it's already about 97%, just from the water it absorbed from the air. (Which is why alcohol is used to dry things.)

Of course, drinking more than a small amount of 97% alcohol would kill you - it would be the same thing as drinking three times as much 65 proof whiskey in the same amount of time. Even "non-poisonous" alcohol is a poison to most life on this planet.

Um, I don't think you want that. ew.

If you want something that really alcoholic, then fine, whatever, but it's gonna taste nasty.

About the best your going to buy is about 190 proof or 95%abv but expect to pay for it as it takes the maker lots of extra effort to make it that strong.

whatever you do....... do not ever drink rubbing alcohol.. it will shut your internal organs down and you will die a slow painful death..and you can get alot of different types of drink that is high proof... Don Q 151....

im not sure what percentage moonshine is, but i am sure it is pretty high. i have had everclear, which is 95%, and its sort of nasty, and moonshine is also pretty nasty.
i dont see why you would need 100% though, 95% everclear should be good for whatever your purposes are.

Nobody needs 100% alcohol...all it is going to do is get your really really drunk off like 1 glass. Plus it tastes nasty.

I would never recommend drinking rubbing alcohol unless you want to die. I've only had 92% proof alcohol and it was insane, so I can only imagine what 100% proof is like. I would go to a local liquor store, browse around for this 100% proof you are seeking, and buy it. I don't know if they make such a thing without all the added stuff. Are you making moon shine?

Liquor store. Look for Ever clear (I think that is what we used to get).
DO NOT drink rubbing alcohol it is not the same kind of alcohol.
As you are looking at % on the bottle keep in mind Proof is twice percent. So if something is 40% alcohol it is 80 proof.

Bacardi 151 is the closest to 100 % ive seen

It is impossible to ferment to 100% alcohol. Chemically impossible...
The best you'll get is Everclear, as some others have suggested and maybe some homemade moonshine.

no don't do it

moonshine in the hills of Tenn,WV, KY,southern Oh

Bad....Try Absinthe instead!


We use to use that years ago then it was banned by the FDA.
We use to put fresh cherries in it and let them sit for a week or so, then eat the cherries ( an Italian thing). You could also use Apricots, baby pears, Chestnuts etc etc.I'm not a drinker and I was only a kid and I use to love them.
How did it taste?
It tasted great but it made your mouth numb ( sort of like Novocaine at a dentist office) It didn't taste like Novocaine though. ( hard to explain). It was a rush. It actually felt good.( not drunk good but numbness good). Drinking on its own would probably make one really ill.
I never ate enough to get drunk.
It made the cherries very firm and yummy and turned them a brownish color.They were my favs. I wish I had some now.

Anyway, my Grandmother had a bottle sitting around in the late 70's( years after it was banned).
I gave it away.
I wish I still had it.

There is no substitute.
forget the whole thing( and dont go near rubbing alcohol)!!

Just ask for "grain alcohol" at your local liquor store. The bottle names vary from state to state. It may be called Everclear in one state and something else in another. You would use it for making punch (excellent) or drinking flaming shots or as suggested, soaking some fruit. Don't set yourself on fire if you go the flaming shot route. You can spill it on yourself after you get a buzz and then burn yourself, like down your shirt for instance.

you can't get 100% alcohol for drinking.
i think it would be flavorless.
also, rubbing alcohol is a completely different kind of alcohol and you will get sick or die if you consume it.
booze is ethyl alcohol. anything else in non comestible.
be careful.
Also, do you really need to get that drunk that fast.
bacardi 151 is 75% alcohol and that **** will go to your head fast.
sounds to me like your bound for either rehab or an early grave.

The closest you are ever going to get is Spiritus, a Polish vodka, at about 97%. To get more water out is possible but you use sulfuric acid to do it. That's hardly what you want in your drink. Even Spiritus can kill you if you drink more than a little. Stop trying to show the world how macho you are and drink because you enjoy it.

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