What is a worse drink for you?!

Question: A Beer or a Soda?

Answers: A Beer or a Soda?

Either one is water and loads of sugar. The yeast in beer is healthy (as are the humulins in the hops, and probably some flavinoids), but the alcohol isn't. I'd say that if it's just one glass or one pint, it's a toss-up. (Soda is just bad for you all around - the only good thing in it is water.) If you're going to drink a lot, stick to diet soda, or just plain water or seltzer.

both, I hate the taste of beer and I just don't like soda. but since this is a choice I would say beer.


Beer. I dont do the beer scene. I am liquor only chick. Guess thats the old navy in me.


Soda caffeine is as much a drug as alcohol. Also, in moderation beer can be healthy. I have never heard anyone say soda is healthy. Moderation is the key in both cases.

Soda, pure sugar

srry i'm muslim and beers and wines are not allowed!!!!!!!

soda - beer is just so good


i like both

both cuz both of them r not healthy ond beer tastes like pee

how do you mean?
for your health?...beer
what one do i like more?...beer

beer is actually a bit healthy. soda contains so many odd ingredients to complete the mixture

Soda is never good for you. Beer in moderation (i.e. 1 maybe 2) can be good for your heart. So I would say soda is worse for you. Plus you know you'd rather have a beer...

A soda.

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