Which would u perfer and this is a hard one..... VODKA or SOTHERNCOMFORT....... Dere both just so nice?!

Question: Why choose just one? When you can double your fun using both in the same cocktail?? We used to make "Watermelon Shooters" in St Petersburg, Florida, that seemed to make partakers very warm and fuzzy inside.

"Watermelon Shooter"

Equal parts of Southern Comfort and Vodka
Equal amounts of Pineapple and Orange Juice
Dash of Creme de Noya or Grenadine for great color
Chill over ice. strain and ENJOY!!

Answers: Why choose just one? When you can double your fun using both in the same cocktail?? We used to make "Watermelon Shooters" in St Petersburg, Florida, that seemed to make partakers very warm and fuzzy inside.

"Watermelon Shooter"

Equal parts of Southern Comfort and Vodka
Equal amounts of Pineapple and Orange Juice
Dash of Creme de Noya or Grenadine for great color
Chill over ice. strain and ENJOY!!


a southern comfort for starters followed by a meal of vodka...

eurgh. no southern comfort for me thanks. vodka =]


Southern Comfort

VODKA. never heard of southern comfort lol!!

i dont like southern comfort unless its in coke...but i can drink vodka straight :D ( and its really nice in cherryade haha)

Both....im greedy!!! lol. :-)


I suggest you stick to water for a while.

Southern Comfort for me.

Neither: I do not drink alcohol any more. I did and I can highly recommend sobriety. Boring but safe.

'Absolut' Vodka....the one with a touch of vanilla...straight and ice cold out of the freezer. Manna from heaven.

Its easy for me I like Vodka.

Vodka, I hate Southern Comfort

vodka only spirit i drink

Deffo Southern Comfort, god Vodka cant drink it since i go so drunk when I was younger on a bottle of the stuff!!!

southern comfort with a dash of lemonade for me please =]


Southern comfort ftw!!
with lemonade and a twist of lime.

good question......i'd do 3-4 sotheran c, then start on the vodka

I prefer Canadian Club but given the choice I would definitely take the Southern Comfort.

You will of course have noticed by now that getting drunk not only gives one a hangover but also affects one`s ability to speak properly and spell the words one is trying to utter. The imbibing of Vodka or indeed any spirit in any large quantity will have the effect of making the brain completely useless. :o)

No they,re not,vodka is the best cheers!

Vodka, soco is some nasty stuff

vodka, southern comfort is an acquired taste in drink, if you set up a bar with other nice drinks southern comfort will more then likely be the last to go, vodka also is a great mixer allowing you to make so many drinks, for instance you would never find southern comfort in a long island iced tea which contains different shots of different alcohols, the southern comfort has that root beery kind of taste, its a old drink been around for ages in the class with a mash whiskey like makers mark, older gentle mans drink.

Southern Comfort neat!!
Vodka with a mixer.

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