I just swallowed 5 beer bottle caps and feeling sick? what should I do?!

Question: go the hospital, tell them what you did. they will tell you what needs to be done, or not done. then reevaluate your drinking habits, so you may be in charge of your own judgement in the future.

Answers: go the hospital, tell them what you did. they will tell you what needs to be done, or not done. then reevaluate your drinking habits, so you may be in charge of your own judgement in the future.

WTF is wrong with you. Go to the ER drunko.

No you havn't, dont be so silly...

if you have you must be ketamised!

Stop eating beer bottle caps is a start.

flush them out of your system with broken glass

try to get something to get u to go cuz its probably hurting something inside of u. but i have to ask why? most of HOW????

Omg, you must be mad. It's sharp bottle caps alright! Hurry up, go to the hospital to get it out of your body.

(2) See A doctor
(3) What were you thinking?!

You aren't suppose to ingest foreign objects into your system.
Bottle caps are definitely foreign. You need to go to the ER.
The caps could've torn your insides.

lol its gona kill ya but when u poo lol

for being a complete jerk and then posting it so everyone can see your a jerk
you should go drink yourself into oblivion and then jump in front of the nearest train so nobody has to hear your pathetic crap again

dude!!!!! why the hell would u do that. u can choke and cut up your throut.


*for sumreason this seems like a joke. but im answering cuz im bored*


Go get your stomach pumped or something.
And quit doing what your friends tell you to.

When I read that at first I thought you meant the candy.

But beer bottle caps are going to huuuuurt passing through your system.

WTF y would u do that ? r u stupid or were u just drunk?

youll just wait untill they come out themselves if ur stoamach starts hurting go to da doctor?

Uh, STOP DOING THAT! God, wtf IS wrong with you?

Start by ringing a doctor. While you wait for the ambulance, flush remaining drugs down the toilet and then reflect on what an idiot you really are.

If you did do something that stupid, go to the emergency room before those things slice up your insides trying to find the way out and possibly dying from severe internal bleeding.

buy 2 box of pizza, 2 bottles 1.5 liter of softdrink
eat and drink them as much as u can, until ur stomach hurt, when u feel u want to go to toilet, u r ok, go to toilet and flush them out...

if they are still inside your body, see your GP asap

^_^ hope that help

stop attention seeking. according to your history you've eaten a nail file as well as a dollar in the past twentyfour hours?
don't be stupid.
if you'd really done something like that i think even you would know the ER is the best place to be.

Go to your local E.R dude. Now.

youre going to have to get your stomach pumped and stop drinking cause you seem to do stupid things when youre drunk

shoot urself in the leg cause ur stupid and then go to the hospital to tell em what u did

haha mmmm eat another 5 to cancel out the others mabey ? mmmm that makes perfect sense yess.............

Take alot of laxitives and get the vaseline ready....

You should mix 2 tbs of epsom salts in 8 ounces of fresh goats milk. Put a old pair of panty hose over the toilet to use as a strainer. After each bowel movement chech for bottle caps.

it sounds like ur in need of attention because i looked at ur profile and u got a question asking for help cuz u swallowed a nail file and that you were throwing up and need help. you got issues bro and need to see someone about that. ur the boy who cried wolf. and ur an idiot

puke or poop cause its gonna hurt either way

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