What is h20?!

Question: is it a type of beer....is like jack daniels? what am i supposed to do with it? someone needs to tell me the uses for it because i'm confused as to what this substance is if it's not beer or liquer.

Answers: is it a type of beer....is like jack daniels? what am i supposed to do with it? someone needs to tell me the uses for it because i'm confused as to what this substance is if it's not beer or liquer.

I asked this same question a few months back. Apparently there is this stuff called water (H2O), and the only use it really has is for maybe freezeing into ice cubes and putting in an alcoholic drink. Apparently it is also needed to make beer, but distillers put a lot of work into removing it from their liquors, since it is a completely useless substance. The only time I've heard of it being used to mix a drink, is when bars are trying to charge you more money, for less alcohol, which is a completely illegal process punishable by death.

I've done a lot of research and reading on this mysterious "water" substance and have found only two good uses for it. One is to make into ice, to make your alcoholic drinks colder. The other is to cast your fishing line into large bodies of this water stuff, as a way to pass time while you drink beer. If you're lucky, you'll catch a fish that is trying to escape it's torturous life surrounded by water, then you can kill it, eat it, and drink more beer.

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot about another important use I discovered for water, if you get it cold, you can pour pitchers of it on women wearing tight white tshirts. This way you don't have to waste beer.

not to be sarcastic... but how about WATER? or else it is something new and cool, and I am totally clueless.


Water. u drink it. you live. the end.

it's an ingredient in beer :) with barley hops and water you get beer.

Well H20 is water. its two hydrogen atoms mixed with on oxygen atom and it forms water. IF it was h2o2 you would not wanna drink that!

H2O Drink Recipe

5 oz Vodka
2 cups Ice
2 oz Pineapple
2 oz Oranges
3 oz Lemonade
3 oz Fresca

H2O Directions
Pour in vodka, pineapple, orange, lemonade, and fresca, then mix.

H2O is water... but apparently is the name of an actual drink too (according to red hat riot). I just learned something new too! lol

2parts hydrogen and one part oxygen....and it is water the basis of what you need to make your booze with so all in all you do need it.also you are suppoused to drink 8 glasses daily.o and i knw about just knowing 1 love...mines is pot lol.im me you drunk

H20 is water or so I thought until I read Red hat riot's recipe...lol...that was a tasty little treat listed...lol...I'm not sure, other than that...Good luck!!!

tried it one time and no matter how much i drank i was still walking straight.
not good.
dont waste your time with it.

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