What should I drink tonight???!

Question: I'm having a going away party for my friend tonight..
We plan on getting pretty drunk.. but my friend doesn't like beer... and I usually ONLY drink beer.. but tonight I'm not..

I'll drink anything really... I would just love some suggestions on what to buy. I can't make up my mind on what I feel like... I'm getting ready to go to the store now..

any ideas?

Answers: I'm having a going away party for my friend tonight..
We plan on getting pretty drunk.. but my friend doesn't like beer... and I usually ONLY drink beer.. but tonight I'm not..

I'll drink anything really... I would just love some suggestions on what to buy. I can't make up my mind on what I feel like... I'm getting ready to go to the store now..

any ideas?

midori and lemonade, tequila, bourbon and coke, bacardi, vodka, kahlua, malibu, cointreu, baileys

tequila doble (double in English)

Vodka! You can mix it with anything.

Rum and fruit juice.

i always salute the captain for those special times...

tonight is friday,how about a nice tequila oh not the shooting kind, the kind you put on ice and sip thru the night. then maybe have a beer or to, but make sure the tequila is a good brand and of course you are of legal age.have fun!!

Start out with starbucks coffee drink+ baileys just a bit to get the food in your stomach wet then move to some captain and coke or southern comfort and OJ.....

If you like coconut, then MALIBU it is! mmmmh hm! Sooo good! =] I hope you buy it! It doesn't diappoint.


Have you tried *real* beer? Try Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Or find a bre pub and see if they have any chocolate stout. (There's no chocolate in it - it's pure [more pure than Bud] beer.) Or try a shandy (beer and lemonade - about the only thing Bud is good for).

You should drink jagermeister and red bull. Good as a shot or a cocktail. If you want to have even more fun add a shot of goldslogdger(has gold flakes in itDont know how to spell it) Yumm!

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