Which do you prefer to drink-drinking beer, alcoholic drinks, or both?!

Question: I do both.

Answers: I do both.

as long as its alcoholic its ok lol

75% of my alcohol consumption is wine with my meals. The rest would be beer and an occasional martini.

I have found that i tend to get sick if it has a high proof, so i stick to wine and beer, if I want to have a good night. Hard liquor gives me horrible hangovers

when start drinking try with beer then drink alcoholic cocktail and then try one shot of vodka

dude,beer is an alcoholic drink,damn...

I drink beer now XX.....but im always down for some 151 & coke and some P A T R O N ! ! !

Alcohol is the devils brew. Satan is completely mixed up in anything to do with alcohol of any kind. I suggest you contact AA immediately.

I only drink beer. I hate the taste of wine and liquor tends to make me violent.

I think it depends on the mood/ occasion or whatever is available. I do both as well.

Gotta love my long Island's

I find that beer is nasty so I would have to say alcoholic drinks and or mixed drinks are best!

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