Does anyone else think that that's vodka in those "water" bottles that Steve drinks?!

Question: Have you ever seen one of Steve Jobs famous WWDC keynotes? Although there's always some new Macintosh hardware and software to be talked about, there's always one thing that never changes, and that's Steve's habit for drinking tons and tons of "water". I think there may be something with a little more kick in those bottles then water. Does anyone agree?

Answers: Have you ever seen one of Steve Jobs famous WWDC keynotes? Although there's always some new Macintosh hardware and software to be talked about, there's always one thing that never changes, and that's Steve's habit for drinking tons and tons of "water". I think there may be something with a little more kick in those bottles then water. Does anyone agree?

Steve is obviously a gin man.

even thoughh ive never seen steve jobs famous whatever ha
im sure it is cause ive done it before haha

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