How long should I wait before driving after 8 pint bottles of Magners?!

Question: The amount of alcohol your liver can process is one unit every hour and a half. This is equal to a can of beer or glass of wine. So multiply the units you had by 1.5 and the answer is the amount of hours it will take until you are sober.

Drinking a large amount of water will not help, because it just overloads the liver. Unfortunately there is no way to speed up the breakdown of alcohol by your liver.

Hope that helps..

Answers: The amount of alcohol your liver can process is one unit every hour and a half. This is equal to a can of beer or glass of wine. So multiply the units you had by 1.5 and the answer is the amount of hours it will take until you are sober.

Drinking a large amount of water will not help, because it just overloads the liver. Unfortunately there is no way to speed up the breakdown of alcohol by your liver.

Hope that helps..

dont drive find a hotel and sleep

24 hours!

not sure what magners is (i'm assuming beer), but give yourself 6 to 8 hours from the time you stopped.

about 1 week

about 18 hours to be legal

A week or better still give up driving altogether as you seem to have a boozy problem

Long enough to let the engine warm up to operating temperature,,,,,or long enough to roll a joint, whichever seems right to you.

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