Why does beer make me gassy?!
Answers: Does anyone else get really gassy after a night of heavy beer drinking? I can't stand to be in the same room with myself the next day. I also noticed my farts smell worse when I drink quality beer.... Any thoughts on this one?
It's the way your body digests the ingredients in the beer.And carbonation could be a factor,ever notice it's easy to drink a 6 pack of beer,but you never really pound soda the same way? Who the heck downs a 12 pack of pepsi? Besides,beer tends to get absorbed into the system PRIOR to the stomach so the carbonation comes back into play.Get some beano or an air freshener and have fun!
My Dad was a"beer farter & a 1/2" you are drinking too much beer. Stop.
Beer is carbonated.
HHHMMMM??? Could be all the little bubbles...u think????
yeah it does because it has carbon bubbles duh!!
When you pour your drink out of the can/bottle you will see a lot of foam and bubbles...see all that head...that's building up inside your body when you drink a few, especially when you drink straight from a can or bottle. This gas/foam/head has to come out somewhere somehow...that's why people burp and fart when drinking.
So just pour your drinks and let that gas out in the glass.