How Do I Dilute Alcohol??!

Question: I know this may be a stupid question, but all my friends drink a lot, but i don't. I'm going to a party tonight, and I have a mickey of Vodka. Is there something I can put in to make it look like I'm drinking straight Vodka but I'm not?

I don't mean mixing it with coke or orange juice or something.. i'm planning on taking straight shots.


Answers: I know this may be a stupid question, but all my friends drink a lot, but i don't. I'm going to a party tonight, and I have a mickey of Vodka. Is there something I can put in to make it look like I'm drinking straight Vodka but I'm not?

I don't mean mixing it with coke or orange juice or something.. i'm planning on taking straight shots.


Vodka is usually clear, so I'd recommend water.

How about developing the maturity and self confidence to just drink as much as little as you want regardless of what your friends are doing? Or maybe you need new friends?

i think you could get away with just drinking water......

you don't need to keep up with anyone where alcohol is concerned, drink to your own beat, as a lady always prefer a mixed drink unless it is wine or beer, and you could always use 7up which would provide you with a mixer and keep your fake going, but a real friend would under stand.and don't drink straight from the bottle at any time.

I had a couple of colleagues, who did this really funny stunt at a staff weekend seminar. We were having cray-fish for starters, and since one of them have a summer-house in Sweden, he of course is sort of an authority on shelling cray-fish. Now - he could just have done it, real quich, and have served them -woosh-woosh-quick.
But part of the fun of a Swedish cray-fish-party, is the shelling at the table - lining the claws around your plate, and earning an extra glass of aquavit per circle.

He and another guy did a reinactment of a Swedish comedy-show sketch, where 2 "Danish" chefs are cooking something, but before every step in the preparation, they have to have a drink (of course a reverse joke, as Danes think "all" Sweedes are "drunks").
So they had this chilled bottle of aquavit, and they just poured the stuff down, twisted faces in the beginning and all, and gradually getting more and more "drunk", slurry speach etc.
However .. the bottle was pure water!! *lol*
One of our other colleagues actually got really worryed, because they pretty much (seemingly) shared a quart of vodka in about 15 minutes!! *lol*

The entire trick is in the WAY you drink it. You could bring pure water for the party, and noone would be the wiser.
You could also drive everyone home safely ;)

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