Wat does it mean to spike a drink?!
Answers: that someone puts drugs/pills into your drink without you knowing it (to drug you)
bascially, to add liquor to an otherwise, unalcoholic drink, i.e., punch, hot chocolate, cider, lemonade, soft drinks, etc.
To add alcohol or drugs to it.
add a foreign substance to something. usually doing it without someone knowing like adding liquer to the punch without people knowing. spiking the punch
First if they spike ur drink, it is an act
that can be punishable with jail time,
fines loss of job ( just happened to 3
coaches @ high school in VLD N.J. )
any substance that is not common to your drink,and without u knowing is considered a spiked drink. Date Rape
is of great concern watch out for # 1
To place something in your drink without you knowing, such as drugs or stronger alcohol. The usual is a shot of vodka, or drugs.
Spiking drinks is a serious offence, since it COULD kill you, and even if there are no serious consequences, it isn't really nice to get someone to drink something against their will or without their knowledge.
Evnut says to put pills etc into your drink, But that's not right, that's better known as slipping someone a"Micky "
Spiking someones drink usually implies adding a spirit to up the alcohol level of a less alcoholic drink.
there are different ways to spike a drink. for instance, you can spike punch with alcohol or you can illegally spike someones drink with drugs and go to jail.
When someone adds something to your drink, drugs/alcohol etc. Remember not to put your drink down at parties!