If someone drinks everyday, does that mean they're an alcoholic?!

Question: My g/f drinks almost every day. She has a couple of glasses of wine every evening. Just last night while I was working, I called her at 11Pm to say goodnight to her, but her speech was very slurred. When speaking with her this morning, she barely remembered our conversation. She knew I would be calling at 11PM, but when we talked then she told me she'd only been in bed 5 min. This morning she says she went to bed at 10.30...and admitted to have been drinking with her next door neighbours. Out came they Bailey's..but she said she didn't think it would bother her as it did, because normally it doesn't. I suggested to her that it probably did affect her more because of what and the amount she was drinking before having the Bailey's. I'm very concerned. She says she knows she shouldn't be drinking every day...but she's one who says something but doesn't always follow through.
So..if someone drinks everyday, are they an alcoholic??

Answers: My g/f drinks almost every day. She has a couple of glasses of wine every evening. Just last night while I was working, I called her at 11Pm to say goodnight to her, but her speech was very slurred. When speaking with her this morning, she barely remembered our conversation. She knew I would be calling at 11PM, but when we talked then she told me she'd only been in bed 5 min. This morning she says she went to bed at 10.30...and admitted to have been drinking with her next door neighbours. Out came they Bailey's..but she said she didn't think it would bother her as it did, because normally it doesn't. I suggested to her that it probably did affect her more because of what and the amount she was drinking before having the Bailey's. I'm very concerned. She says she knows she shouldn't be drinking every day...but she's one who says something but doesn't always follow through.
So..if someone drinks everyday, are they an alcoholic??

I don't know if your girlfriend is an alcoholic, but there are some warning signs there for sure. She shouldn't be drinking and mixing pills. That's pretty scary. A wise person once told me that it becomes a problem when you plan your life around your drinking, and it sounds like that is what she's doing.

Have you talked to her about this? Another warning sign is when drinking interferes with your relationships. Her drinking may not be a problem for her but it certainly is for you. You're clearly not happy with the way things are and you need to confront her. Is her drinking more important to you than you are? You need to find out before you invest more into this relationship.

Uh-oh, it's possible. I had a phase where I did that when work was very stressful for me and it got worse but not to the point that I had to get intervention. I realized it for myself. It lasted a few months and when I look back I think I could have found other ways to relieve stress, I was working out as well but I felt I needed the extra stress reliever. Anyhow...it is something you should be cautious about.

well usually. it depends whether it affects relationships and work. if you have to ask and if it's bothering you then it probably means she's showing alcoholic tendacy's. now if she can control herself and just have a couple drinks a night then no but if she's getting hammered then that is a problem. see if she can go a week without drinking or any amount of time

Sounds like a problem But U can not help someone that doesnt want to help themselves.
best of luck

Yes shes on her way to becoming an alcoholic.According to the AA one drink can label you an alcoholic.If shes not having social problems stemming from her drinking,than she is considered a functioning alcoholic( just like I was a functioning drug addict for 23 years)Since the choice is hers,you cannot force her not to drink,its got to be her decision,otherwise any help or other encouragement is wasted.

her problem from the past still hunting her mind and to get out of it ...she drink....to forgotten it.One glass a day is alright....but if it's too much...it's a problem.

After reading your question and the additional details you noted, I'd say your gf's drinking is getting out of line.

Drinking every day is certainly a red flag, but it doesn't necessarily mean she is an alcoholic. A lot people have a daily glass of wine with dinner or a beer (one or two) after work to relax.

However, If she's weasel wording about her drinking, hiding how much she drinks and spending a lot of time and money on alcohol, I'd be worried. Not following through on promises and commitments is another concern.

You might try web searching, alcoholism, and problem drinking. There's plenty of information out there. Let her know your concerns. My experience with alcoholics has been that there isn't a dang thing you can do to make a "real" alcoholic quit drinking. They are addicted to alcohol.


Well, yes, she could have a drinking problem, and mixing alcohol with Lorazapam is dangerous. Having one or two glasses of wine each day is not necessarily a bad thing, it has actually been proven to be good for your heart and lower cholesterol, and maybe she really was just letting lose on a Saturday night with her neighbors last night and it isn't a regular thing. That being said, if she's blacking out regularly, that's a major sign of abuse and she needs to consider getting some help. Perhaps you should discuss going to counseling with her to discuss her alcohol use and the reasons why she feels a need to dull the pain of past experiences. You sound like you care about her and this situation very much. I would probably suggest couples counseling so she feels less threatened by your concerns. Show her that you care about her and are concerned about her behaviour, but do not get angry. That will only get her drinking more and cause resentment. Good luck to the both of you.

Not necessarily if you have a very small amount, but in your girlfriend's case it sounds like she has a problem.

i drink almost every day and im not an alcoholic

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