What is the difference between drinking beer and water...?!


What is the difference between drinking beer and water...?

I know that beer and other drinks make you dehydrated, but they still contain tons of water, so surely you're still giving your body the water it needs?

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2 months ago
Ok, so is that the same with say, soft drinks too? Is there no water-based drink that isn't a diuretic?

2 months ago
Ok, so is that the same with say, soft drinks too? Is there no water-based drink that isn't a diuretic?

Water in it's pure form will Hydrate you. In alcoholic beverages and in Soda it is an Ingredient. Alcohol Dehydrates you as does Sodium, which may Soda's are choc full of. Also, with Soda (non-Diet) you have Sugar that sucks the life out of you as well.

about 4.5%

Beer is a diuretic (apologies if this is spellt incorrectly), this means it makes you urinate more, therefore losing more water than you take in.

like victoria said.

I think the alcohol's dehydrating effect cancels out the water's hydrating effect.

uhhhh......beer has alcohol

beer has alcohol in it though which actually conteracts what water does.

beer makes you drunk water doesn't

yes your giving it what it needs, but alcohol is actually a poison, so i dont think your assumption is very good i'm afraid

Have you ever head of a water related incident getting you into trouble compared to an alcohol related incident.

well beer can get you drunk and water cant and 4.5%

i just finished half a gal of water and it is now happy hour so i will be moving on to a brew, i'll let you know the difference when i'm done....lol

With alcohol and caffine based drink they are diuretics and you will urinate more water than you consume - which is why they dehydrate you

yes man if it's that your point of view so please drink beer and save us the water i guess we need it

Sure beer can give your body the water it needs but it does contain alcohol too which makes you drunk (if you drink too much). And you can tell what would happen if you replace water for beer all the time. ^^

The difference is ,you drink the beer i perfer the water
Beer makes me sleepy.

beer gives u the goodness of hops etc and is better than water but it`s not the alcohol that makes u drunk it`s the amount of liquid u consume.u can get drunk on water the same as beer.depending on the amount u drink.beer tastes better but drinking any liquids can make u drunk.

All drinks are diuretic, which means urine producing. However Water filters through the kidneys naturally without causing damage where as alcohol based drinks or those containing sugar cause a forced urine production reaction which filters out necessary nutrients and damages kideny tissue, eventually on a long term basis and we are screwed without kidneys!

No you aren't the alcohol in beer actually damages your internal organs to the point for no nutrient absorption (and yes water is a nutrient) Water alleviates the joints to help the body achieve its full range of motion, Cushion the organs, prevent illness due to dehydration, assist with proper weight loss, and other means to that affect. But as for your question I recommend that you minimize your alcohol intake to prevent severe weight gain and bodily harm such as liver failure and drink more water. If you dislike drinking water - try some sort of flavored water or fitness drink to fit your personal needs. (depending on if you have an active or sedentary lifestyle) if you have any questions email me at dark-harmony@hotmail.com

beer is bad for the liver and you can get cancer. beer is important in the social scence while uhh water is important for survival! water is gooooooood! oh I heard bottled water is no different from tap water if you plan on drinking water. 70 percent of companies use tap water in their bottles I read somewhere.

what you need is more water we know there is water in most drinks but not enough for our bodies,and fizzy drinks make you more dehydrated,and bottled water is better for you than tap water because of what is in it.

I've never known anyone to get a buzz off water, unless you drink it out of the tap in St. Lucia. ;-)

From the Royal Society of Chemistry comes the following information from the article "A Pint A Day":

Beer is a complete food: it contains water, carbohydrates, protein and micronutrients (Table 1). The modest levels of alcohol in beer improve blood circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease for light drinkers compared with that for heavy drinkers and abstainers.

The main component of beer is water, which makes up ca 93 per cent of the beverage by weight. Ignoring any water derived from metabolism, a healthy 70 kg adult human needs 2.1 l of water per day, equivalent to about 4 pints.

Compared with other alcoholic drinks, beer is better able to quench thirst because it contains less alcohol per volume and its high water content more than compensates for its dehydrating effects. Moreover, since many beers are isotonic (ie they have the same osmotic pressure as body fluids), they have negligible impact on the water balance of the body.

one contains alcohol you shart.

The difference is about 150 calories. The alcohol is what's causing the dehidration. It doesn't matter if it 's a straight shot or in a beer.

tap water has chemicals sometimes that can actually harm your health. so, you're better off to drink beer and talk sh*t then drink water and be full of sh*t.


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consider that. Or if they worry
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Go to a good website that specializes
in expeditions into alchohol.


"who do ya love, I hope its me, I been
changin' as you can plainly see....."


well beer has alcohol in which
dameges your liver
and lots of other stuff
but water
has lots of minerals

Basically beer is bad for you if you drink lots of it,water is good for you you should drink at least about 2 pints or more a day,water is good for flushing your system out and a good detox,drink a couple of pints before bed after a night out out on the booze,and you should only get a mild hangover if any,
and the other good thing about water is,it's allot cheaper than beer.

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