How to get over the hangover?!


How to get over the hangover?

when i drank in collage we practiced prevention.
eat a good meal and take some aspirin ,Tylenol or ibuprofen BEFORE you drink. for every alcoholic drink you have down some water to match it.dehydration is a major cause of a hangover.try not to mix allot of different liquors. and allways remember this - pot before beer never fear,
beer before pot, better not!

take a few aspirin and sleep that is what i usually do and avoid noise if at all possible

Take two tylenol, drink gatorade, get a little caffiene in you, and eat something that goes down easy. If you can't eat, jello, chicken broth, basically your clear liquids. Though, you should really try to eat the best that you can. If you can keep down a full breakfast, that is one of the best things to do.
And get some rest if you possibly can!

Alcohol is a depressant, to counteract the effect many people recommend caffeine (such as NoDoz tablets, or a cup of coffee). If the hang over is more tummy pain/uncomfort, I highly recommend drinking lots of water and getting some vitamin B's into your system (try Berocca, vegemite or some tablets). Remember, your liver is responsible for cleaning the alcohol out of your body and in order to do so it needs lots of water and lots of B vitamins, so restocking should help in the long run anyway. Hope this helps!

the headache is from dehydration. Take 2 tylenol and 32 oz of water/ powerade

A Cup Of Coffeee.... chicken soup or a nice beef stake.

Plenty of fluids, water is best, paracetamol and sleep.

Start exercising...first slowly, then vigourously till u feel fresh and awake.

in my case ill make a....large peg and take it with aspirin ....after this u will jst fly on sky my budy..hahahahaha

Here are some tips

Cup of water with an alka seltzer in it, something to eat, and some good rest!

Take alkaline water as your chaser it neutralise`s the acidity of any kind of alcohol you take.When you wake up in the morning take a sip of whatever kind of drink you took last.. wait for a couple of minutes.. then you perspire a little, the heat is release from your body then take a luke warm shower...slowly going to cold.If you throw-up let it be its just removing the excess acid from your stomach.. then again.. take alkaline water.

Get back on it mate. Keep on drinking

Take two pegs you will be fine . then you have to stop drinks. you are getting addicted.

To late now but. When I get carried away I take 2 aspirin and a large glass of water when I go to bed. The aspirin thins out your blood and the water keeps you hydrated. You might wake up still drunk, but the hangover is almost nonexistent.

Try to drink as much water you can before you pass out drunk. Keep a big glass of water by your bed in case you wake up thirsty. This will really help how you feel in the morning. Next day eat something kinda greasy and protein packed as soon as possible ( like bacon and eggs with toast and butter). Lastly, if its possible, if you don't have to work or something, have yourself a Bloody Mary. I know this drink isn't for everybody - I don't really care for them either, but I promise you that the vitamin c packed tomato juice, fiery tabasco and black pepper, shot or two of vodka, and a celery stick is gonna be the pick me up that does the trick. Try it once, even if you have to hold your nose and drink it, and I guaranty you'll be calling Bloody Marys the miracle hangover drink too!

Definitely drink water and have an ibuprofen or aspirin before you go to bed. I never get hangovers drinking gin - but beer and wine is a disaster together!

Alka seltzer (they make specifically The Morning After tablets now.) Then a " bit of the hair of the dog that bit you". If it's beer try mixing it with V-8. Your liver will be up and pumping in no time. Now Eat & Rest!!!

What did you get drunk on? Whatever you drank the most of, have a serving of it when you get up...even if it sounds horrible. Then have something to eat such as toast with perhaps a little butter on it, a donut, whatever...just nothing heavy. If you have a headache take something that doesn't have acetomenaphin (tylenol) it it...your liver won't appreciate it. Spend the rest of the day drinking fluids, preferable with electrolytes to aid hydration. Gatorade, Smart Water (sometimes that's hard to find), or just a regular bottle of water with one of those little Crystal Light packets added to it that have electrolytes in it. Really, the key to feeling better REHYDRATE~REHYDRATE~REHYDRATE. Water alone just isn't good enough...your body needs potassium, magnesium and sodium to get feeling normal again. Believe me, I'm speaking from probably too much experience.

Coors light rehydrates you, because ofthe utter lack of alcohol. Drink 10-12 of those nasty little shits and you'll feel right as rain. Embarrassed beacuse you were seen purchasing Coors light, and now you know that yes, even third shift, late-night stockboys laugh at you. But physically better. If that doesn't work, try a few grams of methamphetamine. Nothing gives you energy like crystal meth. Who needs Red Bull?

Drink a glass of water for every drink you have, this will lessen the severity of the hangover.


The source of the hangover is your liver, therefore contrary to popular belief, you should not drink coffee or eat a big fatty breakfast - because these two things will actually worsen the state of your liver, and prolong your hangover!

Try some vitamin B or C, and eat mild foods such as toast. Drink water like a fish most importantly, as you are dehydrated, and you will be feeling better in no time!

Lots of water and asprin

a big tumbler of butter milk usually does miracles to your hangover..... as in get over it...

Kill hang over by hanging on to the bottle even in the morning.

when you drink alcohol dissolve vitamin B from your body and you get dehydrated as alcohol is diuretic( means make you loose water from you cells and tissues. Vitamin B12 is responsible or play roles in your nervous system and due to loss of Vitamin B you feel headache next morning. Before you drink take vitamin B Forte and next morning take another B forte tablets that will help. Spartan

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