Expired Beer?!

Question: Expired Beer!?
My friends are about to get an expired keg!.!.!. for free!.

I heard it was 4 years expired!.

How unsafe is it to drink!?


No harmful bacteria can live in beer as long as it is sealed!. If the keg has never been tapped, there will be nothing living in it!. If it's been tapped in the past, the seal is broken, which means you could have some seriously upset stomachs afterward!.
4 years is a long time!. Most keg beer begins to break down in a year or less (mass-domestic swill is even less)!. Chances are it will be flat and possibly have a wet-carboard type of flavor - sure sign of oxidation!.
Only way to know for sure is to pour a glass, look at it, smell it, and take a sip!. I really encourage you to make sure the keg has never been opened before, though!. And be careful going into this!.!.!.

Warm to cold, warm to cold, over and over again for a long period of time, or going from extremes, will result in oxidation of the beer, which is a wet-cardboard-like flavor!. It will not "spoil" the beer, but it will not taste fresh!. also, before anyone mentions it, it will not be "skunked" either!. Skunky beer is a result of UV light breaking down acids in the beer produced by hops!.
Read my earlier comments, you should be good!.!.!.
also, the concentration of alcohol will not change, as the keg has been sealed!. Alcohol content can only change (up or down depending on numerous factors) if the container is not air-tight!. It will be just as "potent" as the day it was kegged!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If it is that old it will be undrinkable!. Don't do it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

open the bottle and no gas come out even yesterday product is no good !. put the brand new beer in glass leave it one hour i cannot drink no taste !.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i don't know how unsafe it would be, but it wouldn't be potent enough to get you plastered!.!.u might as well drink waterWww@FoodAQ@Com

I wouldn't do that you and your friends will be really sick! Epically if it has been chilled then hot and chilled then hot again!.!.!.!. it causes the beer to be green beer!.!.!.!. which can make you very sick!.!.!.!. just take donations and buy a new keg or drain the old one get new beer in it!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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