Am I an alcoholic?!


Am I an alcoholic?

I work full time Monday to Friday and I never miss work. Every night (for the last 3 years) I come home and drink vodka and juice. I go through a 26er in 3 days. I never drive drunk, never let it interfere with my plans, etc. Also I have built up such a high tolerance to vodka, that I drink a lot and don't really get a buzz.

I never drink before 3pm. Is what I'm doing that different than say a construction worker that comes home from work, drinks 6 beers and passes out every night?

To me, it sounds like you actually have enough self-control to just stop drinking, or to only drink occasionally.

I'm not sure if this could be called alcoholism, but, it could be if you are drinking to avoid dealing with any problems, which it doesn't sound like. It just sounds like you enjoy your vodka and juice the same way most people enjoy a soda.

wow.. I must say..

What is with all of the "thumbs down" flying around this question.. damm.

I don't think its such a bad thing to have a drink or two when you come home from a hard day of work! But I would just be careful about it. If you feel that you are drinking more and more as time goes by, you may be at risk of becoming an alcoholic! If you are concerned you may become one, try to keep a limit to what you drink and stick to it!

god damn vodka n juice will if you dont get "buzzed" and your addicted then u strait

You are what is called a "functioning alchoholic". It's a slippery slope to the next level. It'll be easier on you and your family if you get help now.

LOL LOL i am that construction that drinks a six pack nite, but like you im always on time for work and not hung over,and it doesnt control my life at all so i would say ur Not

Sounds like you do have a minor problem which can escalate faster than you think as you tend to make it a ritual. Generally alcohol is to be taken in moderation and you take that to a new level. But I'm glad to hear your don't drive while drunk so your heart is in the right place. Drop the booze pick up the weights and start a healthy lifestyle.

You need to ask yourself......can you live without it? Are you on edge if you don't get to drink?

no its fine.
you only have a problem if drink affects your life in a bad way and this doesnt seem to at all, so dont worry...
having said that, if you HAD to do it every night then maybe its a problem, try having a few nights off.
dont worry, vodka loses its effect fast... if you ever wanted to get drunk, change tipples, you'd be bouncong off the rafters after a 6 pack as you arent used to beer!

Uh ya! Eventually...your body will get mad at you for forcing toxins repeatedly into it. Maybe you should switch to the virgin drinks for awhile. If you can' probably are an alcoholic!

you're an alcoholic if you RELY on drink, if you absolutely have to have that drink no matter what, if you feel you can't get through the day without it...there is nothing wrong with enjoy a few drinks after work if that is what helps you relax and wind-down.

Not different at all, really.
The question is, what happens when you don't drink?
Do you get shaky? Irritible? Have trouble sleeping?
Hey, I drinks a bit, my own self. But a 26er in 3 days is pretty heavy intake. You may be dependent on alcohol.
Give it a rest for a few days and see if you have any symptoms. If you do, then you are an alcoholic.
If not, you should probably still consider cutting down on the intake before you do your liver some serious damage.

No. Alcoholics are people who drink negatives away, not people who drink for positives.

I think alcoholics let alcohol interfere with their everyday lives. If your drinking doesn't interfere with everyday routines, doesn't effect your judgement... then I'd say, no.

Toast to that :)

I think you are not alcoholic. Just have to find something what cheer you up after work.

It's a very simple test. Can you stop drinking after you've had just a few? If you can and do not have a craving for more, you probably not a alcoholic. However, the more you drink, the greater the dependency becomes. So be careful.

Indeed, the thumbs down suggest that some folks are a little nervous about their own consumption ...

The fact that you think you have a problem could be the first sign that you do. Why dont you try to not drink for 3 days and see how your body reacts. If you crave it or go into withdrawl then i think you could have a problem. Just stop for a few days and see what happens. Good Luck!

Probably. The fact that you always want to drink at the same time, that you've built up a tolerance, that you drink alone are all indications. Plus, the fact that you've even asked this question.

You're not an alcoholic...yet! Hopefully alcholism doesn't run in your family. But if you're worried about being an alcoholic, after dinner, limit yourself to just one drink. Sit on the couch, unwind and have just one drink. It doesn't do any harm if that's your way of unwinding at the end of the day but eventually, you may want to feel that buzz and have to drink excessively to get it and you might end up doing that every night. Be careful though (and good job not drinking and driving!)

your getting there...
you should have a new addiction
like milk or just something healthy?

you are what is called a "functional alcoholic". drinking everyday is a sign of alcoholism. time of day has nothing to do with it. if you drink alot and get no buzz, then why keep drinking? you could have a pepsi and get the same effect.
obviously you want/need the alcohol. that is a problem.

Alcoholism is defined as a persons addiction to alcohol, the best person to say whether they are an alcoholic or not is yourself. Do you NEED to drink when you get home? If so, then yes, you are an alcoholic.

Sounds like.

There are two aspects to substance use problems. One is abuse and the other is dependence. Abuse occurs when use of the substance interferes with social and occupational duties. Since it doesn't seem to affect your responsibilities, you do not have an abuse problem. However, building up a tolerance is a characteristic of dependence. The other is withdrawal, meaning that if you stop using it, you go through the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal. I don't know if you would if you stopped drinking everyday, but it does seem that you may have become dependent, given that you've built up a tolerance.

You have become tolerant to alcohol and your liver is starting to fail. You might want to slow down ALOT! My husband used to do that and was very tolerant to alcohol. But now he drinks beer, with the most less percent alcohol in it. You need to find a way to stop, or seriously slack down.

Well the juice is real good for you.
On the plus side, you do not miss work, don't drink and drive.
How is your attitude? are you relaxed, defensive?
The fact that you are asking this question leads me to believe that you might be concerned.
If you are not having any health problems, liver,kidneys, things of that nature, if you have the money to buy it and enjoy it....great.
I would only be concerned about your physical health.
Russians, most Germans, Canadians consume a considerable amount of spirits each and every day.
Would you get nasty or the shakes if for two days you did not have a drink?
A lot of the answers lie within yourself, and I think you would know, or someone has brought it to your attention.
Wow...did I get into that one. Sorry, good luck to you.

If it is upto one or two drinks ( 30 ml each), it is OK. Beyond this is harmful.

this after work stuff is a self reward, you subconciously know that at the end of the day you can drink and it really dosen't bother you. You probably are a functioning alcoholic,but it will only get worst.Just the fact that your building up a tolerance should tell you something.Everyones body reacts different to substances,just because you don't get a hangover isn't a reason to think your not an alcoholic.Try not having anything to drink this Friday and see how you feel.Most companies have an EAP (employee assistance program),check it out.They are very discrete.

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