Is it worst to be a pot head or an alcoholic?!


Is it worst to be a pot head or an alcoholic?

and what are you...

Being an alcoholic is MUCH worse. Pot doesn't cause people to get in vehicles and massacre innocent drivers/pedestrians. Oh and I'm neither.

pot head 4 sho cuz its harder to stop the addiction!!

pot head is worst
everyone is alcoholic

one is legal the other isn't

one causes more problems in society, relationships, abuse, and so on

the other gives you the munchies

I'd much rather get in a car with someone that smoked out than someone that is drunk (given that I had to choose one).

alcoholic..though both are just one in the same they are very bad..and i dont approve of either..its proven though

Well Pot heads get high, but it's not so worse than getting drunk and puking your guts out... I learned from experience trust me... LOL

I mean pot smokers get a lot of bad wrap in the media these days, and for people that don't smoke Pot and say it's bad... heh! Don't believe everything you read... moderation is the key. I mean we would like the same rights as Alcohol drinkers and Cigarette smokers, but we won't be seeing that In America anytime soon.

both can mess up your life. i would think that one isn't any better than the other. and i'm neither. however beer and wine on occasion is not a bad thing.

I think alcoholism is worse because alcoholic's can black out, become violent, and drive drunk.
Most potheads I know are so mellow and laid back, violence has never been a problem.

I think both. I used to be a pothead and I quit cold turkey for myself and my son. I only drink on special days. My father is an alcoholic and has been for 20+ years. I don't think either is a gateway drug. You will have the right to say no you just choose not to. I think as long as your priorities are in order and you are responsible you can do what you want. Just be safe.

booze causes so many problems. i have never seen anyone smoke a joint then get violent. well some i know get violent munchies i have never even heard of someone robbing someone to get pot money. i smoke sometimes, but everything in moderation eh?

I don't think either is that bad...... unless you do something stupid like drive drunk, become abusive, etc.

Alcoholic is worse. It's worse for your health and worse for your life.

deffinataly a pot head.. for one ITS ILLEGAL FOR EVERYONE! and drinking is only if you under 21.... secondly its more addictive so deffinataly being a pot head is worse...i am neither

It is worse to be an alcoholic. As a few people already stated you dont hear of anyone getting high and then driving around crashing into things and hurting people. I have seen people smoke and then do 15mph to burger king only to hurt themselves when they found out that BK stopped serving breakfast 20 minutes ago. It is illegal to smoke (for now) so it sucks that you have to be secretive about it even though in reality more people than you expect do actually chief. Marijuana is generally harmless and never in the history of smoking weed has anyone died of a marijuana overdose plus from my experience it is not addictive. Lastly the bad thing about alcohol is even if your really good friends with the guy at the liqour store and you buy from him all the time, he still wont hook you up with a couple extra beers for free. Any good weedman will know the key to keep customers coming back. Im not a 'pot head' or an alcoholic

in country if you get caught with pot you get a small petty fine but no one likes a drunk but being alcoholic is someone who is dependant on alcohol i once tryed to drink everyday for a week it made me soooo sick i only drink 3 days out of a week i don't binge i pase myself 3 drinks every hour for 4 hours than sleep

both der both bumbs

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