Best way to drink a lot of beer and minimize getting real drunk?!


Best way to drink a lot of beer and minimize getting real drunk?

Me and a friend are participating in a "case race" tonight. A case race is where a team of 2 compete against other teams to finish a case (24 cans) of beer the fastest without vomiting. What are some strategies to help us succeed? I am 6'4 and weigh 250 pounds, so I am not real worried about getting alcohol poisoning. Any help is appreciated.

There is no way of not getting drunk. You will be putting your body at a grave health risk. Your weight may be the only thing you have to protect you from alcohol poisoning.

Drink at your own risk.

eat some rice or bread a couple of hours before you start drinking. it will absorb the alcohol

Oh goodie... a kiddie game. Someone gets to die from alcohol poisoning. How exciting. Don't be so damn sure sure about your size being your saving grace. You're actually willing to take that chance? You're actually willing to watch someone else fall to alcohol poisoning. What a peach of a guy. Maybe your game isn't such a bad idea. You could get nominated for a Darwin award. Time to chlorinate the gene pool!!! Fast!!!!

The obvious way to not get as drunk would be to eat before you drink, but that would limit your stomach capacity that you so desperately need to fit around 12 cans of beer (144 ounces) This is assuming your partner can keep up with you and match your consumption. I definitely would not go for it on an empty stomach. I would probably try to limit my carbs for a few hours up to the competition. Carbs digest very quickly and just fill your stomach up. Stick with protein which is very slow to digest which will offset the effect of the alcohol. Dont take whey protein shakes or anything since they are meant to be absorbed quickly. I would stick with some kind of red meat or chicken. Some meat an hour or two before the race should help you destroy the competition and laugh at them an hour later when theyre stumbling around like drunken douchbags. Sounds fun, I might have to try it sometime.

Dont let Janet M and Sage distract you from the point of this question, you NEED to finish this race. If i was in your shoes I would eat a big meatball sub with a lot of bread on it an hour or so prior to the race and make a beer bong. Dont forget to look for a nice area away from the crowd to crawl into and be safe from the handfulls of flour and sharpie markers that will be looking for you after you pass out.

Drink Odoul's. It's a nonalcoholic beer. Tell your friends it is some European beer like heinikan. No alcohol = no drunk.

Get a beer bong or just shot gun them. A case of 24 cans shouldn't last long then. If you get four people on a team, I bet I can have that case gone in under 2 minutes!

Drink bud light.

some fools use crank,but that is not good 4 you

Try some of the Non Alcoholic one's, they all have "some" Alcohol left, but dont get you wasted !!!!

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