Honest answer from people that get drunk?!


Honest answer from people that get drunk?

Right no one belives me when i use to drink and get drunk i can always remeber what happend the night befor, and at most times drank myself sorber even tho ive had a good night out. Now my question is this..
when you get drunk and you say that you dont remeber the night befor, is this true or are you just wanting to forget of what happen to you the night before. Its never happend to me ever and i always wonder if my mates are haveing me on when they say this.

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2 months ago
Thanks for your replys so far.
just like to add to ,
OLDGIT. has i say i use to get very drunk when i was out with my friends. then i can wake myself up and not feal drunk no more. hence the word sorber myself up. Im not ok to drive ect as i have alchol in my blood i know that, i even been stop by police in the street befor when mates are too gobby and even they think im the sorber one in the party till i tell them ive had same amout as my mates. Ive not drank no alcohol in 3ys now and just was asking since what happend at a night out last night. dont mean to give anyone any old impression,

2 months ago
Thanks for your replys so far.
just like to add to ,
OLDGIT. has i say i use to get very drunk when i was out with my friends. then i can wake myself up and not feal drunk no more. hence the word sorber myself up. Im not ok to drive ect as i have alchol in my blood i know that, i even been stop by police in the street befor when mates are too gobby and even they think im the sorber one in the party till i tell them ive had same amout as my mates. Ive not drank no alcohol in 3ys now and just was asking since what happend at a night out last night. dont mean to give anyone any old impression,

I've been known to totally forget nights out, and honestly do..shameful to admit it but in my defense I don't go out lots and get drunk. Some people may forget and others could be lying, there's no real way of knowing if they're lying or not

forget and pain in the head

I think that you might be right that subconciously you do know but you just cant remember things clearly. When i last got wasted i was falling on the floor all the time and i do remember that.

I often don't remember what has happened when I've been really drunk but everyone is different. A pal of mine could have perfectly decent conversations and hell, even go to work when drunk.

it's usually forgotten...or kind of a crazy blur where u think something may have or have not happened and there's a whole lot of confusion..
but yeah, you're right..there's been plenty of times where i've probably been drunk enough to forget something, but haven't..but as it's been so shameful i have played the "oh i dont remember that at all" card...
usually it's true though!

I tend to forget details of what happend the night before and honestly I wish I could remember all of the things that happend so I know if I made an *** out of myself or not. There are times when I wake up the next day and try to go over everything that happened to make sure it was a smooth night and there were no confrontations. Then again there are also times when I wish I could forget about things that happened the night before.

When I get 'drunk' i almost always have huge blank periods of the night, usually remember getting home if I stay up late (until like 4 or 5am) but otherwise I can have blank spots of hours.

I used to think that cos when drunk I have always remembered everything. But I must say I dont drink half as much as I used to and the other night I didnt remember calling my bf, I didnt speak to him but I just couldnt remember doing it. So I think maybe it does happen to some people, but I do think alot of people do just say that for whatever reasons.

Oh it's definitely true. I recently blacked out, very long time. I remember being at the party (around midnight) and the next thing I realized was that I woke up at 7 AM at my boyfriends. I asked him what happened, I sort of had an embarrasing incident that i had no idea happened. I didn't ever think it was possible either, but trust me it is. He said I was acting normal all night (Well normal for drunk) and I have no remembrance of what happened!!

When we're out and tie one on, I remember better than my husband. It's rare that I have to ask "What happened last night?" I know I got drugged one night a few years ago before I met my husband, it was my EX. Notice the EX.

Sometimes I have blacked out. It's actually kind of scary. This only happens when I drink a TON, which I don't do anymore. I think a lot of people just say it because it's kind of what you're supposed to say or whatever; but it really does happen.

I can always remember unless I binge drink then I won't remember.

Its the truth you can black out from drinking and have no memories of the night before. Its very dangerous and means you are drinking too much. Sounds like you are doing the right thing by not going there! x

You still sound drunk to me (hic).

You must be to think you can "drink yourself sober" . That's an old myth & a misleading load of bollocks!

What happens is that you go out & have a drink. A longer than expected session? You slow down & feel ok in the morning. Don't let's give any young people who may use this site (!) any other impression.

First I must say that i have been clean a few months short of five years. But when I did drink. I didn't drink, I consumed! And what you are speaking of is blacking out.

Whether its when you go and lay down and go to sleep or when pass out as they call it. Its the same. There are even blackouts that you have while your still out and about and partying!

Those are the ones that made me take notice and clean up.
I would go out to a club, close it up and head to a after hours joint. I would remember leaving the club clearly. Then I would wake up in bed! Look out side and my car would be halfway on the sidewalk. And allIi could remember was that I walked out of the club.

Here's one for you! As wasted as I would get, (like spending two hours trying to unlock my door with a fifty dollar bill, giving up and going to sleep, sitting against the door until the morning) I NEVER had a hangover. Yes I would wake up drunk as he**, but never, ever hungover. What do you think about that?

i always get really drunk but always remember the night before
and when i go on all dayers-starting at about 1-2pm i drink my self sober

there are times that i have drank so much that i puke and then pass out, but i remember everything the next day. but there are times when i drink a lot of mixed things and i dont remember 1/2 the stuff that went on. so i think it depends on what u drink, how much, how fast, and what u eat with it. and i think it depends on the person.

If you drink high volumes of really strong alcohol for a long period of time most people will eventually black out even if they are still coherent enough to walk and talk. That is what causes the memory loss.

Alcohol does have allot of sugar and some people when they drink allot don't black out because the sugars wire them...

Want to black out? Try this below....

Well it really depends on individual's level of alcoholic tolerance and the type of alcoholic being consumed.

I have never once had a hang-over or any adverse side effects the day after drinking whiskey or scotch. I can always remember the night before too.

Certain mixed drinks do give me a hang-over, specifically if they are made with cheap liquor. I find the best way to cure that is to have a drink in the morning.

HELL NO ! Your mates are not putting you on. There have been a few times when I have gotten so drunk, that I could not remember what happened the night before. One of the consequences of drinking to much is short term memory loss. Believe me, its just a matter of time !

when i get drunk i alway ask my friends what happen but i already know

In all honesty, it depends on the amount I drink, the type of drinks I'm consuming, whether or not I've eaten properly, and the mood I'm in. Essentially what I'm saying is that no two nights out are the same, and at some point, if you can drink enough to completely mess you up without vomiting, then you'll discover the pleasure of not having a clue what you did last night when you wake up.

Yes! I always remember! I just can`t control it while i`m there!
(I also never get hangovers)

I used to get drunk a lot when I was younger and I had the exact same question...I always knew what I had done the night before...and it was really weird when people told me that they didn't remember what they did the night before because they were drunk...
Probably it happens as every person has different ways of handling alcohol...not everyone faces the same side effects I guess...

i always always remember

I drink myself to the point of bein sick quite often not that im proud of it and can 100% honestly say i forget huge portions of what happend during that night. Sometimes for good and sometimes until someone reminds me.

Hi there,

No matter how drunk I get, I never forget what I did. Sometimes it takes an hour or so to come back to me the next day, but that's it. I don't really believe people who say they can't remember anything, but my boyf forgets whole conversations we have!

yeah i believe people cant remember the night before when they have something or someone they dont wanna remeber.

it depends on the venue if at home gettin drunk dont need to remember nething know im safe but if out need to remember everything and keep a fairly good head on my shoulders no matter if im rat arsed i always remember

I've actually had that & so has my partner-total blank as to what happened past a certain point on a night out!!So no,your mates aren't having you on.

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