Do you like Blue Moon?!

Question: Do you like Blue Moon!?
Do you like Blue Moon!?I had a Blue Moon awhile back and loved it and I dont drink beer really at all!.Of course you have to put a slice of orange in it cause that def makes the drink!. But my question is can you reccommend other beers very similar to Blue Moon!? I would like to try them too!.ThanksWww@FoodAQ@Com

yeah sounds like you like wheat beers!.!.!.check out leininkeugals (spelling not sure on) sunset wheat with the orange slice and also hoegardden (spelling not sure on) also with the orange slice!.!.!.but just ask what wheat beers they have that should helpWww@FoodAQ@Com

you probably need something with a little flavor sam adams makes many different beers seasonals are the best sometimes they are hard to find but its worth it! another one is honey brown i dont know if they are similar to blue moon but try something with more flavor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hoegaarden has similar characteristics as Blue Moon (it is served with a lemon slice instead)Www@FoodAQ@Com

EEE gads!!!!

Blue Moon is a poor attempt by Coors at producing a Belgian Whit!. Coors does not do a good Belgian anything no less a whit!. Think of Blue Moon as a "gateway beer" then move on to better things!.

If you’re interested in a true whit (or white beer), I highly suggest trying Hoegaarden!. I suggest in pouring you pay attention to the back of the bottle and pour it properly to make sure all the wonderful flavor gets into your glass!.

also, many people who enjoy whits also enjoy Hefeweizens (wheat ) beers!. I suggest Franziskaner!. Many American microbrewers now make nice Hefe-versions like Magic Hat Circus Boy and Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat!.


Leinenkugels Sunset Wheat is very similar as well!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

only the Showaddywaddy versionWww@FoodAQ@Com

what kind!. I like the seasonal varities they put out!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Let me preface my answer with the knowledge that Belgian wheat beers are among my favorites!. Between stouts and whitbeirs I have a hard time picking which style I prefer more!.

Blue Moon!.!.!. though nice in the fact that it has introduced many people to the idea that there is better beer out there!.!.!. I hate it!. It is a poor example of what a true Belgian beer is!. Coors has taken a wonderful style of beer and added to much coriander, to much spice and to much carbonation!.

Do yourself a favor and go pick up a Hoegaarden*, Ommegang Witte, Allagash White, Bell's Winter White (there are some felt still), Dogfish Head Red and White or a Unibroue Blanche de Chambly!.!.!. all of which except the Bell's is easily found at any quality beer store!.

*I still maintain that when InBev took over after Celis they changed the formula!.!.!. though I haven't had one since they moved back to the original brewery!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i love blue moon with a slice of orange!. but michellob amber bock is pretty GOOD tooWww@FoodAQ@Com

blue moon is great try it with a splash of oj instead of a slice of orange!.!.!.hogarden, hefenwiser, or windamer are also goodWww@FoodAQ@Com

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