If wine is made from grapes and rasions are made from grapes why don't rasions taste like wine?!

Question: If wine is made from grapes and rasions are made from grapes why don't rasions taste like wine!?
You're missing the most important step in wine production - the addition of yeast to the grape's sugars to begin fermentation!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because raisins are not fermented!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

the same reason that beer doesnt particularly taste like barleyWww@FoodAQ@Com

because raisins are dried and not fermented without yeast and simple sugars there is no fermentation process therefore no wineWww@FoodAQ@Com

FERMENTATION!.!.!.is the taste of sugar turning into alcohol!. which gives wine their distinctive taste!.
Grape juice is not wine!.!.!.FYIWww@FoodAQ@Com

raised are sun dried so it is a grape that has been left out

wine you take then and crush them up and let them sit in their own juice and they begin to ferment this takes about a month or so then you drain the juice, filter it and hold in a barrel for a month or so particles settle down and you have wine!.

they taste different because on is liquid with now Alcohol and the other is a dried up fruit!.

hope that helpsWww@FoodAQ@Com

Because then they would be "waisins!."Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, its the same as saying, "wool shrinks right"!? So why don't sheep shrink when it rains!?

Raisins are processed to be just that - raisins!. They aren't distilled, fermented etc as grapes are to produce wines!. I suppose they have to do something that dont match up to wine producing standards, so instead of throwing it away - presto! we have the Raisin!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because it's 2 entirely different types of food processing!.
Grapes are sun dries into rasins!.
Grapes are put into vats , which are addeded with wine making ingredients , like yeast , sugar !.!. etc and left to furment for a period of time !. Red Wine = Red Grapes!.
White Wine = Green Grapes !.
Hope this helps!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

its called fermentation, sugar is added and wine is madeWww@FoodAQ@Com

are you seriousWww@FoodAQ@Com

Actually there is a wine that's made from grapes that have begun to dry or become raisins!. It's an Italian wine called Amarone and it's fairly expensive!. You can taste the "raisiny" quality of the grapes in the wine and it's sweeter than most red wines!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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