How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?!


How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?

depends on how much i eat before hand.. id say 5 to get me buzzed and 6-10 to get me drunk and 11-20 to get me trashed.

depends on the type of alcohol,what you eat before,your size etc.
some get drunk on 1 beer. me? takes about 4 and i am feeling pretty buzzed.

6-10 drunk 10+ smashed shots= instant drunk

As many as it takes you to convince I was

It used to take me 3 large glasses of wine to feel 'merry' and mildly drunk. 2 bottles of wine I'd be drunk and after 3 I'd have to give up.

Sober now for 5 months, and I get dizzy just smelling alcohol! I'd probably get rather tipsy if I ate some liquor choccies.

me about 5-10 beers

That depends on a lot of factors. Your weight and what you are drinking

liquor about 2. I'm a lightweight.

Beers 4-5.

to me it depends on the drink I'm drinking cuz i love all different kinds, but at least 4 or 5

I don't usually drink, I have gotten drunk (totally smashed!) on 1/2 can of beer! I have also gotten drunk on a small glass of wine.

Right now I am on medication for epilepsy and so I am unable to have ANY alcohol (not even in cough syrup), but I have had a sip or two of my ex-girlfriend's rum (I really like rum)....and even got buzzed on just a sip...needless to say she wouldn't let me drink anymore after that.

It depends on my mood...sometimes it takes just a few(4 to7)....sometimes I can drink and drink and it doesn't even phase me, especially if I am mad at life!!! p.s. I never drink & drive.

it depends on what im drinkin coz on beer i get really drunk on 5 cans

When I drink beer I don't drink like it's a race. I like to relax, watch a basketball game, put on a porno ect. ect... I usually drink about 8 beers and start to slur and be tipsy.. about 10-12 i'm pretty drunk, I usually stop there, if I keep on going it's pretty stupid...

Only one unfortunately!! damn alcoholism!!!

i takes me 4 to get drunk
but it takes my mom a whole 6 pack to get tipsy

More than is healthy! Depends on what I'm drinking. Red wine, 2 glasses. Beer? Around 24. Sad, but hey, it happens.

Depends on:

The size of the individual: Bigger in size = more drinks
The Type of Booze: Beer or whiskey, wine or vodka,
How much food you have consumed before drinking: more food = more time it takes to feel the effects/alcohol absorbed in bloodstream slower
What was eaten: Better to eat a steak or burger, etc, than a salad or jell-o before drinking


2 or 3 drinks

In Australia, I'm what is known as a 'Cadbury' (milk chocolate bar)
because I'm full on a 'glass and a half'

Which is better than being an 'OMO' (laundry washing powder)
because 'a quarter of a cup and you're all washed up!'

I may not hold my liquor, but at least I'm a cheap drunk!

Last saturday it was 8 because i didn't eat anything all day but usually 14 with a combo of beer and 1.5 l of wine split between my spouse and I

I stopped counting along time ago......

Honestly it depends on the drink.

I'd say a few glasses of straight whiskey or scotch.

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