How much alcohol is dangerous?!


How much alcohol is dangerous?

My boyfriend and I do not live together at the moment because I am at Uni.

On a Friday and Saturday night, he'll often polish off a whole bottle of red wine, plus about 6 beers per evening.

He is quite a well built guy, 5'11" and weighs about 180. He has a rugby player physique, so he feels he can handle his drink.

Do you think drinking this amount is safe? I just worry about him because I'm not there to make sure he's ok!

Thanks for your opinions

xx Emmie

Have you considered trying to tell your boyfriend that you're worried? I only ask because most of the answers you'll get on this subjectwill be biased, either militant ex drinkers, or raving drunks, it'll be difficult to get an objective answer. it's for your boyfriend and you to decide if he has a problem, no one else.

Its not healthy to binge drink, but compared to many what he drinks aint that much

Honestly, it all depends on the person, because everyone metabolizes alcohol at a different rate, I know people that will drink at a similar rate and are fine. The only real way to know if it is becoming a problem is if he frequently blacks out from this, and various other side effects that I'm sure you'd be able to find at some anti-alcohol sites, 'cause God knows there's enough of them.

Well if he talks to God on the big white telphone then he has drunk too much.

The amount that you say he is drinking is far too much, and I would say that he has a problem.

i don't think it'll hurt him but eventually it may not become enough. if it doesn't seem to effect him and he's just one of those people then i guess the only thing it would affect is the money! lol.... that's a lot to just drink. i mean, beers and much wine isn't really good for you but some people are different.

Sounds like he is drinking to indulge himself....rather than to have a social engagement. I would like to think that 1 bottle of wine and a 6pack of beer, is not going to help him much. Size does play a small role in how much alcohol a person can drink....but the abuse your put on your body is immeasurable.
My opinion.....NOT SAFE!!!
It is ok to drink in moderation......but they say that gluttony is a sin.

Binge Drinking is not healthy or safe. he may be fine now, but one day he could not wake keep an eye on him...

This is not a safe amount if he values his liver. How long has he been doing this for? Over a sustained period of time this will lead to liver damage.
Unfortunately, your boyfriend is just one of a very, very huge number who binge-drink on a regular basis (I'm not preaching, I used to do it too; 4 pints of cider, 6 bottles of alco-pops, 4 Tequila+cokes and 2 double Bailey's).
By rights, none of us should drink anything, as the only way to stop the progression of liver damage is to stop drinking completely.

Alcohol is a person. It'll keep you company, make you happy, make you sad, make you do stupid things it'll make you love it or hate it. There is no way psychologically that alcohol is not a person. The point I'm trying to make is that this person is a temporary replacement for you.

This has two sides. As you've pointed out to us you don't think it's doing him any good. BUT as I've pointed out this is a substitute for another person (ie you) and so well be keeping your relationship together.

For now only worry about it if he's trying to drive or operate machinery under the influence, because then its affecting more than just him.

I can drink a bottle of spirits in a session and not think a lot of it.

I HAVE BEEN SOBER FOR 16 YEARS AS OF 4-24-07.Emmie if he is drinking so much on the week-ends and you have good concerns to ask please seek , Here is where you WILL get the best answer. Topic like.... Are you troubled by someones Drinking? to help them you have to help yourself first

Well according to the BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) chart I was looking at, your boyfriend gets drunk every weekend and that can't be good for him. The six beers alone put him into the drunk category.....not including the wine. By drunk I mean over 0.08% -- quote from website..."Functioning and judgment very seriously affected. Responses greatly slowed. Behavior greatly affected. Very high risk of accident. In most U.S. States, with a BAC of .08% or higher, you will be arrested if driving a car."

Take a look for below.....

Also here is an article regarding binge drinking that may be helpful (

Hope this helps.

Not too dreadful, but keep an eye on it.

over time every day binge drinking can/will effect the internal organs & can cause death.

Ok if it was just one or the other I don't think it would matter that much but 6 beers and a full bottle of wine. Unless its the cheap 4% wine he drinking way to much. My advice try to get him to cut back some at least cut out either the wine or the beer.

what is dangerous ? what is safe? it all depends on the person ,i know a 71 yr old man who has been drinking for at least 55 years and he drinks 4 pints every night followed by a large whiskey and is always sober. crossing the rd is dangerous, dont worry live while you can.

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