How much do you drink in a week?!


How much do you drink in a week?

Do you drink every day?

Binge drink at weekends?

Never drink?

I'm just curious to see what other people drink. If you can tell me your age too, that would be really helpful.

I'm 22 and I usually drink about once a week.... but it IS a binge drink, and I'll have about 8 drinks and a few shots. Bad Emmie....

I am 23. Lately I have been drinking A LOT, but in the past it has just been on Fridays and Saturdays. This week I have drank on Sunday some beers and half a bottle of wine with some shots (one of my kittens passed away =*( , I am totally depressed ), Monday- almost a whole bottle of wine, a beer, and 4 shots of vodka, Tuesday- 2 mixed drinks, Wednesday- nothing, today- I dont plan on having anything....maybe some wine though, and Friday and Saturday I am going to drink my *** off.

Every day, and more than I should for my age...35. I keep meaning to work on that.

I see some AA meetings and a 12 step program in your future.......

weekdays maybe 1 or 2 per week
weekends maybe 3 to 5 on saturday

Im 39, 40 this year and I drink a few glasses of wine every nite, it couldnt be good for me !

I'm 21 and I drink about once a week. I don't binge drink, I mean I'm not saying I don't get drunk, because I have many times. Just depends on what type of mood I'm in. Typically on a Saturday I will have about 2-3 Rums and Coke. Sometimes I have a few shots. I don't drink nearly as much as I use too. I was a binge drinker every Saturday..Ick! I feel sick just thinking about it!

I used to drink most evenings, not any more, I put a lot of weight on and I'm now taking it off. Drink nights are down to Friday and saturday, and I've stopped drinking wine it's full of calories, now drink Bacardi and coke. In my 40's

i am 54 years old and i have a glass of whiskey every night

I drink Martini only once or less per week. I feel like non drinker. But instead I do smoke. A lot

As an oldy at 48 I drink once a week ande yes it still a binge. Last week I was away and drank 1 1/2 ltrs of Vodka on Friday night, it was along night though, starting at 6pm and ending at 6 am Still wrong though!

Several glasses of plonk most nights, too much I know, but it helps put today to bed. (A lot older than you petal - take care and God Bless Emmie x)

sorry i dont drink age 47

I'm 30 years old & I will drink like 2-3 glasses of wine 1 or 2 days during the week. Every other weekend I will drink like 10 beers on a friday or saturday night. Never 2 nights in a row.

i admit to being over 40 and i drink every day, over 40 units a week.

2 crates of beer

and 2 bottles of vodka

and i bloody well deserve them after 15 years in the army

I'm 27 & I have a couple of beers every night, more at the weekend. For some reason it helps me to relax, I never get into my car when I've had as much as half a shandy, so it's a good reason to relax & do nothing. I won't have that first beer until I've finished work, been to the gym, done the supermarket run & cleaned the house.
One thing that I will never do again is mix the grape & the grain - wine & beer knock me for 6!!!
I am sure that in the long term, this will be detrimental for my health, but hopefully, if & when I start a family, I won't touch a drop & it will get me out of the habit.
One thing is for sure, drinking isn't big, hard or clever & the 11 yr olds walking the streets with cans of Tennants Super is certainly cause for concern.
The key word here is moderation. A little bit of what you like is good for you & as long as you are aware of the amount you are drinking & don't put yourself at risk of accidents/sexual assault/mugging etc.
One thing I will recommend is 2 litres of water a day & a Milk Thistle tablet, this is known to detox the body & repair & protect your liver.
Anyhoo, I'm drinking my 2 litres of water now & limbering my drinking arm up for a couple of scoops tonight....

I'm 52 and drink most days. I usually have a few beers and the occasional whisky.

hi i don't drink monday to Thursday on Fridays I willhave a large whisky and ginger

Emmie what up yeah i drink a lot more than that and I'm 22 just this last Wednesday i bought a 30 pack of natural ice beer and drank the whole thing by this Friday and today i drank a 40 of king cobra also I've also drank a bottle of wild turkey handle of Jim beam 2 bottles of jack Danial's and bottle of vodka and a few other liqueurs all by myself also i am only 5/9 and 150 lbs gusse it doesn't matter in CA.

LOL its healthy to have at least 1 glass of whine a day

I know ...crazy
but its true
but not too much
because just remember, alcohol is basically poison liquid.
But I'm 14, sadly and I don't drink, yet, I'm gonna wait until I'm old enough [18] [my own choice]
I would be allowed, but i don't want to

after all .. its only 4 years

xx xx

I don't drink alcohol. 6-8 cups of coffee, 2 cups of tea and a litre of water each day.

i go out most saturday's (parnter in entertainment) have been known to drink about 12 vodka's I know its bad and I know how many I drink when am out I only use cans of real coke to I have two drinks to a can ( i like em well diluted lol).
This saturday I had 8 vodka's and cokes and last night about (if I am really truthful) 8 baileys (3 glasses) but that was cause i was at home watching csi and i had to pour larger ones so I didnt miss all the forensics (sad I know but hey I love it)

just mind and drink enough water (thats my hangover cure)

Im 20 and im a workin mother.

Me n my partner will choose a fri or sat each and the other has 2 stay in wiv the baby!

So for exapmle ive got sat this weekend so ill stay in on fri n av a bottle of bacardi wiv the girls, bout 4-6 drinks, then on sat ill go out and drink anything between 8-15 drinks usually a mix of bacardi, Vodka, brandy, malibu, alchopops and lots of shots!

We will also arrange a couple of week night drinks, and the rules for them r stay away from the heavy stuff and if totally unavoidable only a few and must b in bed by 12-1 o'clock!

I'm 34 and a saturday night drinker. Only have 4. I learned my lesson a long time ago.

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