The french eh? sophisticated cheeses, fine wines and pastries ,do they like a good curry and lager session?!

Question: The french eh!? sophisticated cheeses, fine wines and pastries ,do they like a good curry and lager session!?
Non non, zee french zink zey are far too sopheezticated for such zings - If you go to zee France land and zay
"Oi oi gimme a curry and larger"
We shall speet on you!Www@FoodAQ@Com

They do make a good ale!.!.!. Curry I'm not so sure about!.

Nice vindaloo and an IPA for dinner sounds good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Why should they!? Fine wine and good cheeses are much nicer!.

I've seen too many curries swilling around in lager on the pavements of our town on a Saturday and Sunday morning!. Give me the sophisticated French any day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's all spin and no substance!. They were never sophisticated, as Sakozy has clearly demonstrated!. The french are crude and lack style, self-respect, and are ridden by self-doubt and inferiority complex!. By Sakozy's own admission, they look up to Britain as their model and mentor!. I would not be surprised if they have already adopted our national dish, the curry, as their favourite food, and lager as their national tipple!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Give me ten pints of real ale and a tikka lamb boona anyday, I think it has something to do with french men having no balls "after these love fancy going to the distro for a tot of vino and some smelly cheese!?" well thats not going to lead anywhere is it!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.im not a neanderthal promise hahaWww@FoodAQ@Com

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