How much vodka is ok to drink?!


How much vodka is ok to drink?

Hey Im about 5 foot 7 Age 17 and A bloke loll. Tommorow I plan to go to my mates birthday, I dont wanna mix drinks but e wants to play drinking games with vodka. There is not other alcohol and I think he is mixing it with redbull.

I know it depends on the percentage How much I have eaten etc, but provding I have eaten and is your average bottle of vodka how many shots do u fink its safe to drink before I get tipsy.

I want to get tipsy but I want to stop then. This is because I have work at 10:00 the next day.

Please Help

about 5 to 6 shots, if its good vodka..3 if cheap vodka, then youll throw up.

as much as u want


2 cups at the most!! :)

17 i would say zero but if you insist then 5 shots

no more than 6 oz

i oz of vodka on a short glass with ice and the Red Bull & Vodka tsates great but be carefull, you will be up all night, my recomendation is take 1 with Red Bull the 1 with Cranberry Juice....

drink until you pass.......just set your alarm clock be for you start and redbull we call the Devils drink......have fun

depends on how long a time period ull b drinking, and how tolerant u are already. go with about 5 per 60-90 minutes, itll keep u buzzin but not too much

ok on avrage it is hight to body mass if your around 150 lbs it,s 3 to 4 drink,s per hr max if shot,s \ if your 150 to 185 you can get away with 4 to 5 per hr but anything more then that mate and you going to be shitfaced in the am big time get some cheese in your stomace and it,s not so bad but you going to **** like a race horse in the am

In the USA you must be 21 to drink. Drinking without any idea of your personal tolerance for alcohol is VERY dangerous and I would wait until you have experience a drink or two before you take part in drinking parties. It could end tragically! You don't know if you get hung over, some do some don't. You don't know if 2 drinks will stupefy you! You are asking for disaster or at least a "worship at the foot of the porcelain throne" session. Don't do it.

You will know axactly how much to drink by how much value you put on your job!


Hehe I have done my share of binge drinking when I was younger, so I am not gonna tell you that at 17 you shouldn't be drinking. What I will tell you, is that if you have to ask how much is to much, you shouldn't be drinking liquor. I know, I know, it's only alcohol, but people do die from alcohol poisoning everyday, so be very careful when doing shots. What ever you do, don't let anyone talk you into any drinking games until you are a bit more sure of how much you can handle. I know they say if you weigh this much, and are this tall you should be able to handle xxx amount of alcohol. This is somewhat true, but it really has to do with your bodies natural ability to process the alcohol out of your system. So forget trying to judge how much you can drink by some chart and look at it this way. Usually 1 shot = 1 beer = 1 glass of wine. Normal people's liver can process 1 beer or it's equivalent per hour. Normal people can usually drink 3 - 4 beers before they start to get tipsy. Remember this is spaced out over a bit of time and your body is working to process out that alcohol the same time you are drinking. With hard liquor it is different. You can do 3 - 4 shots and get much more of a buzz, than what you would get with beer, because it hits your body all at once and doesn't have time to process some out, before you put more in. Have a good time and what ever you do, don't drive after you have been drinking!

Wow, look at all the teetotalers. Hey, you all are late for your abstinence league meeting--and they'll kick you out if they found you on the booze discussion!

Michael, above, has it about right, except: his totals are good only for the first hour, and if you consume that much in an hour you'll be well into tipsy if not a little more. Every subsequent hour, cut the limit in half and you will preserve your level of inebriation, if you consume the same amount you'll get drunker and drunnnker and dunkrer nnn sdarang,sorth

It really depends on the time period. Over a 3 or 4 hour time period if you dont want to feel like hell dont take more than 6-8 shots. If you play the game under two hours or so dont have more than 6.

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