How can i tell if someone is drunk?!


How can i tell if someone is drunk?

slurred words
loss of balance, falling down
very loud or very withdrawn behaviour
inability to focus vision
loss of co-ordination (if they're fumbling for their keys, for example)
Any of these signs indicate serious intoxication.

count the beer cans

When their eyes are low, they are extra friendly or extra grumpy, when they fall all over the place, when they vomit...when they pretty much do things out of the ordinary. Also, you can smell it on their breath and sometimes in their skin.

Someone is drunk when you can literally get drunk offa the air around them. They stagger and their words start to slur and their tongue feels haevy and numb making it harder to talk. They usually cannot grasp what your saying and don't remember anything that happened in the morning.

When someone is drunk, they may have any of the following:

slurred speech
heavy sweating
lack of response to pain
balance problems
eyes have difficulty focusing
impaired judgment
violent/aggressive behavior
(They are usually unaware of these developments)

if you are the one that is drunk, you may :

feel warm
have increased urination
problems judging distances and heights

ask something...they will answer with a different wording and elocuence than normally , eyes seems glassy ,and eye fixation seem a little longer , they seem to force not to smile and they try to keep you from being close to their mouth so you don't smell the alcohol in them .

if he/she keeps telling you he/she is not drunk in a low tone voice.

slurred speech
immunity to pain
lack of intelligent thought
loss of balance
unable to focus eyes very well
very bad alchohol odor around them
Remember with the exception of the smell some of these signs are also signs of other problems like diabetes.

how the talk like slurred words.... watch there balance...and how the act...and there reaction times....and how there eyes look....

they are willing to sleep with you. (no offense)

When their behavior becomes abnormal from their regular behavior

Their movement and their breath, if you can smell warm beer when they talk they are drunk

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